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* 明天 我们 在 <em>老 地方</em>见 吧。 <span class="pinyin">Míngtiān wǒmen zài <em> lǎo dìfang </em> jiàn ba.</span><span class="trans">I'll see you at the usual place tomorrow.</span>
* 明天 我们 <em>老时间</em> 在 <em>老 地方</em>见 吧。 <span class="pinyin">Míngtiān wǒmen <em> lǎo shíjiān </em> zài <em> lǎo dìfang </em> jiàn ba.</span><span class="trans"> See you tomorrow at the usual time at the usual place.</span>
* 我 最近的 工作 还是 <em>老样子</em>。 <span class="pinyin">Wǒ zuìjìn de gōngzuò háishì <em> lǎo yàngzi </em>.</span><span class="trans">I've been doing the same old thing at work lately.</span>
* 我 最近的 工作 还是 <em>老样子</em>。 <span class="pinyin">Wǒ zuìjìn de gōngzuò háishì <em> lǎo yàngzi </em>.</span><span class="trans">I've been doing the same old thing at work lately.</span>

Revision as of 04:09, 22 April 2022

Both 旧 (jiù) and 老 (lǎo) mean "old," but 旧 (jiù) refers more to a worn-out, beat-up appearance of an object, whereas 老 (lǎo) refers to actual age in existence and can refer to people.

旧 (jiù) 老 (lǎo)
Meaning worn out aged, experienced; "the usual," existing for a long time
Part of Speech adjective adjective
Formality formal and informal formal and informal

For "worn out" use 旧 (jiù)

Use this to refer to objects that have been in use for a long time and thus are worn out or beat up.

Common Phrases

These phrases work with 旧 (jiù):

  • 衣服jiù yīfuold clothing
  • 电视jiù diànshìold TV
  • 电脑jiù diànnǎoold computer
  • 手机jiù shǒujīold cell phone
  • 家具jiù jiājùold furniture
  • 自行车jiù zìxíngchēold bicycle

Example Sentences

In the following sentences, ONLY 旧(jiù)can be used:

  • 你的 衣服 了 , 买 新 的 吧 。 Nǐ de yīfu tài jiù le, mǎi xīn de ba.Your clothes are too old, buy new ones.
  • 这 是 鞋子, 不 是 新 鞋子 。 Zhè shì jiù xiézi , bù shì xīn xiézi.These are old shoes, not new shoes.
  • 我 的 手机 是 手机Wǒ de shǒujī shì jiù shǒujī .My phone is an old phone.
  • 伦敦 的 火车站 非常 Lúndūn de huǒchēzhàn fēicháng jiù .The train station in London is very old.
  • 他 有 一 辆 自行车Tā yǒu yī liàng jiù zìxíngchē .He has an old bicycle.

For "aged" or "existing for a long time" use 老 (lǎo)

While 老 (lǎo) can mean "aged," it often imparts a certain degree of respect, traditionally. It can also be difficult to determine exactly when 老 (lǎo) is a separate word and when it is a part of a word.

Common Phrases

These phrases work ONLY with 老 (lǎo):

  • 老人lǎorénold person
  • lǎo shùold tree
  • 房子 lǎo fángziold house
  • 故事lǎo gùshìold story
  • 朋友lǎo péngyǒu old friend

Example Sentences

In the following sentences, ONLY 老 (lǎo) can be used:

  • 这个 了,感觉 他 90 岁 了。 Zhège rén hěn lǎo le, gǎnjué tā 90 suì le.This man is very old, it feels like he's 90 years old.
  • 我 在 这里 有 很 多 朋友Wǒ zài zhèlǐ yǒu hěn duō lǎo péngyou .I have a lot of old friends here.
  • 这 部 电影 是 一 部 电影Zhè bù diànyǐng shì yī bù lǎo diànyǐng .This movie is an old movie.
  • 在 这里 , 有 很 多 建筑 , 没有 空调 , 夏天 很 热 。 Zài zhèlǐ, yǒu hěn duō lǎo de jiànzhù , méiyǒu kōngtiáo, xiàtiān hěn rè.There are a lot of old buildings here with no air conditioning. It's very hot in the summer.

Some nouns work with both 老 (lǎo) and 旧 (jiù)

In these cases, both words are correct, but they mean something different. 老 emphasizes old style (an old model), whereas 旧 means worn-out or beat-up as usual.

  • 我 有 两 个 手机,一 个 新 手机,一 个 是 妈妈 送给 我 的 手机Wǒ yǒu liǎng gè shǒujī, yī gè xīn shǒujī, yī gè shì māma sònggěi wǒ de lǎo shǒujī .I have two cell phones, a new one and an old one that my mom gave me.
  • 我 的 手机 了,非常难用,我需要买一个新的。 Wǒ de shǒujī hěn jiù le, fēicháng nán yòng, wǒ xūyào mǎi yī gè xīn de.My phone is very old and hard to use, so I need to buy a new one.
  • 电脑 lǎo diànnǎo Old computer
  • 电脑 jiù diànnǎo Old computer
  • 我 家 的 房子 有两百年的历史了。 Wǒ jiā de lǎo fángzi yǒu liǎngbǎinián de lìshǐ le.My family's old house is two hundred years old.
  • 这个 房子虽然是去年建的,但是看起来 太 了。 Zhège fángzi suīrán shì qùnián jiàn de, dànshì kànqǐlái tài jiù le.This house was built last year, but it looks too old.
  • 火车站 lǎo huǒchēzhàn Old train station
  • 火车站 jiù huǒchēzhàn Old train station

For "the usual" or "same as always" use 老 (lǎo)

Common Phrases

These phrases work ONLY with 老 (lǎo):

  • 老样子lǎo yàngzisame old (situation)
  • 老地方 lǎo dìfangthe usual place
  • 老时间 lǎo shíjiān the same time

Example Sentences

In the following sentences, ONLY 老 (lǎo) can be used:

  • 明天 我们 老时间老 地方见 吧。 Míngtiān wǒmen lǎo shíjiān zài lǎo dìfang jiàn ba. See you tomorrow at the usual time at the usual place.
  • 我 最近的 工作 还是 老样子Wǒ zuìjìn de gōngzuò háishì lǎo yàngzi .I've been doing the same old thing at work lately.