Comparing "renshi" and "zhidao"

Both 知道 (zhīdao) and 认识 (rènshi) can be used to mean "to know." But they are different kinds of knowing, so they pair with different words.

知道 (zhīdao) 认识 (rènshi)
Meaningemphasizes knowledgeemphasizes familiarity
Part of Speechverbverb (mostly)

These two words mainly differ in how they are used.


Parts of Speech

Both are verbs.


Both can mean “to know” a person. (In this sense, 知道 means “to know of” a person, but not on a personal level; whereas, 认识 means “to personally know” someone, in other words, to have had an interaction or encounter with that person).

Degree of Formality

Both can used in formal/informal settings.


These patterns work with both 知道 and 认识:

  • 他~你
  • 知道zhīdàohe knows of you
  • 认识rènshihe knows you [personally]
  • ~老师

Example Sentences

In the following sentences, 知道 and 认识 both can be used interchangeably:

  • 认识 马老师。
  • 小明 认识 我的 朋友。
  • 知道 Michael Jordan。


Parts of Speech

知道 is only a verb, whereas 认识 is mainly a verb (it can also be used as a noun, but is rather limited in usage and outside the scope of this comparison).


知道 means “to have knowledge of”, “to realize”, or “to become aware” of a person or something heard or said (认识 does not have this usage).

Example Sentences

Only 知道 can be used in the following sentences :

  • 你知道她的生日吗?
  • 他知道明天开会。
  • 我知道中国有很多人。
  • 你不知道明天下雨吗?
  • 我不知道为什么。
  • 你知道你父母的生日吗?
  • 你不知道他有女朋友吗?
  • 他知道自己错了。


认识 means “to meet” (first time encounter with a person), “to have an understanding of” or “to recognize” a person, something, someone, some place, or a concept on a deep level (知道 does not have this usage).


These patterns work only with 认识: ~你很高兴/很高兴~你, 充分~, ~路, ~地方, ~世界

你知道......吗? 算是一个结构。

Example Sentences

Only “认识” can be used:

  • 我认识她,她是我的朋友。
  • 我们认识两年了。
  • 我们是在法国认识的。
  • 我在上海认识了很多朋友。
  • 你和你的朋友是怎么认识的?
  • 我不认识那个地方。
  • 那个时候我刚来上海,不认识什么本地的朋友。
  • 我不认识路。
  • 我很高兴认识你!
  • 我不认识那个地方。
  • 她是你朋友,你应该认识她。

Advanced Comparison

Sometimes both 知道 and 认识 are used the same sentence.

Example sentences (both 知道 and 认识 in the same sentence):

  • 我们已经认识十几年了,可是他的很多事情我都知道。
  • 小李,你不知道我有女朋友吗,她是咱们去年在南京旅游的时候认识的那个大学生。