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*他 <em>常常</em> 迟到。<span class="trans">He is often late.</span>
*他 <em>常常</em> 迟到。<span class="trans">He often gets late.</span>
*小时候,我 <em>常常</em> 去 奶奶 家 过年。<span class="trans">When I was young,I used to spend the Chinese New Year at my grandma's place.</span>
*小时候,我 <em>常常</em> 去 奶奶 家 过年。<span class="trans">When I was young,I used to spend the Chinese New Year at my grandma's place.</span>
*我 的 老板 <em>常常</em>带 我 去 出差。<span class="trans">My boss often take me on business trips.</span>
*我 的 老板 <em>常常</em>带 我 去 出差。<span class="trans">My boss often take me on business trips.</span>
*他们 结婚 已经 快 三十 年 了,还是<em>常常</em> 吵架。<span class="trans">They've been married for almost 30 years while they still fight a lot.</span>
*尽管 他 已经 在 美国 生活 了 大半辈子,但 还是会<em>常常</em>想中国。<span class="trans">Although he's spent most of his lifetime in the USA,he still misses China a lot.</span>

Revision as of 02:14, 13 May 2015


If something happens a lot,we say that it is "often",which in Chinese, the words are "常常" (chángcháng) and "往往" (wǎngwǎng). However, they are used in different ways and different places, so this article will help you distinguish when and where to use them.


"常常" simply means something happens frequently and it's not necessarily regularly.

Subject + 常常 + Verb


  • 常常 迟到。He often gets late.
  • 小时候,我 常常 去 奶奶 家 过年。When I was young,I used to spend the Chinese New Year at my grandma's place.
  • 我 的 老板 常常带 我 去 出差。My boss often take me on business trips.
  • 他们 结婚 已经 快 三十 年 了,还是常常 吵架。They've been married for almost 30 years while they still fight a lot.
  • 尽管 他 已经 在 美国 生活 了 大半辈子,但 还是会常常想中国。Although he's spent most of his lifetime in the USA,he still misses China a lot.


Subject + 常常 + Verb


  • 飞机常常晚点。The flights often get postponed.
  • 天气 不 好 的 时候,飞机常常/往往晚点。The flights often get postponed when the weather is bad.
  • 常常 去 健身。He works out a lot.
  • 常常 /往往周末 去 健身。He often works out on weekends.
  • 常常很 害羞。He easily gets shy.
  • 常常/往往一 见到 他 喜欢 的 女生 就 很 害羞。He easily gets shy every time he saw girls he likes.

“常常”可以表示说话人对将来的一些想法或者愿望 ,而“往往”不能。


  • 我希望以后咱们可以常常见面。I hope that we could meet more often.
  • 就算分手了,我们还是可以常常联系。Even though we are breaking up, we could still call from time to time.
  • 回美国以后,你要常常 给 我 写 信。You should often email me after you go back to the states.
  • 等 我 的 工作 不 那么 忙 了,我 就 可以常常陪 孩子 玩 了。I'll be able to spend more time with my kids when I'm not that busy at work.
  • 我 爸爸 说,他 退休 以后 会常常带 妈妈 去旅行。My father said that he would travel more with my mother after he retires.


(Subject)要/得/应该/不要/别 + 常常 + Verb


  • 我知道你很忙,但 你还是 要常常回家 看看 爸妈。I know that you've been busy but you still need to see your parents from time to time.
  • 不要常常吃 辣,对 皮肤 不好。Better not eat spicy food too often.It's not good for your skin.
  • 你 能 不 能 不要常常说 脏 话?Would you please stop saying swear words so much?
  • 偶尔 抱怨 一下 是 可以 的,但 不要 常常 抱怨。It's totally fine to make some complain about your life once in a while but it's not if you do it everyday.
  • 作为 老板,你得常常跟 你的 员工 去 沟通,倾听 他们 的 声音。As a boss,you need to talk to your staff a lot so their voice could be heard.