Chinese word order

"Word order" in Chinese is 语序 (yǔxù) or 词序 (cíxù). You may have heard that word order in Chinese is very similar to that of English, and compared to a language like Japanese, it is. Fairly quickly, though, you'll start to realize that there are quite a few ways that the word order of even relatively simple sentences simply don't match in Chinese and English. The honeymoon is over; you're going to have to work just a little bit to master Chinese word order.

The Basic SVO Sentence

On this level, Chinese word order very closely matches English word order. "SVO" stands for "Subject-Verb-Object" [1]. For extremely simple sentences like "I love you" or "he eats glass," the word order of Chinese matches that of English, literally, word for word. Keep in mind that "SVO" doesn't include little details like articles (a, the, etc.) or prepositions (to, for, etc.).

SVO word order
Subject Verb Object

This concept shouldn't take long at all to master. This makes sense "by default" for English speakers.

Adding extra information to a sentence

More details can be added to the basic sentence structure. How to do this is demonstrated below.

Placement of Time Words in a Sentence

Time words, the WHEN part of a sentence, have a special place in Chinese. They usually come at the beginning of a sentence, right after the subject. Occasionally you'll see them before the subject, but the place you won't be seeing them is at the end of the sentence (where they frequently appear in English).

Placement of Time Words
Subject Time when Verb phrase
今天 工作
你们 每天 洗澡

Placement of Place Words in a Sentence

When you want to tell WHERE something happened in Chinese (at school, at work, in Vegas, on the bus, etc.), you're most often going to use a phrase beginning with 在. This phrase needs to come after the time word (see above) and before the verb. Pay attention to this last part: before the verb. In English, this information naturally comes after the verb, so it's going to be difficult at first to get used to saying WHERE something happened before saying the verb.

Placement of Place words
Subject Time when Place Word Verb phrase
在上海 工作
你们 星期六 在家 看电影
1980年 在美国 出生

Exceptions to the normal placement of place words

There are some special verbs which seem to be allowed to break the rules. For these special verbs, the WHERE information comes after the verb rather than before. It's important to remember that these verbs are exceptions. If you're not sure where the place phrase should go, it's usually safer to put it before the verb. This is the normal way to modify a verb in Chinese.

Exception to place word location in sentences
Subject Time when Place Word Verb phrase *Place word
我们 在中国
现在 到浦东
刚才 在我房间

Placement of duration in a sentence

Whenever you talk about FOR HOW LONG, you're getting into duration. It's not the same as a regular time word; it has its own rules.

Placement of duration
Subject Time-when Place Word Verb phrase *Place Word Time-duration
在中国 三年
去年 在北京 学中文 三个月
每个星期 在家里 看电视 二十个小时

Placement of manner in a sentence

Manner refers to HOW you do something, as in quietly, quickly, angrily, drunkenly, etc. The adjectival verb that describes the manner of the action verb is preceded by 得 and occurs after the action verb. If the action verb is a verb-object the verb should be repeated immediately after the verb-object.

Placement of manner
Subject Time-when Place Word Verb phrase (object) Manner Place Word Time-duration
跳舞 跳得奇怪
昨天晚上 在家 做饭 做得好
洗澡的时候 唱歌 唱得好听

Placement of instrument in a sentence

OK, now we're getting a little out there. Rarely are you going to want to cram so much information into a simple sentence, but for the sake of argument, we're going to give it a go. This is the USING WHAT part of a sentence - called the instrument. In English, this is often placed at the end of the sentence and preceded by 'with'. In Chinese, it comes before the verb and is preceded by 用.

Placement of instrument
Subject Time when Place Word Instrument Verb phrase Manner Place Word Time-duration
用筷子 吃饭
今天早上 在办公室 用电脑 工作
咱们 现在 在路上 用中文 讨论

Placement of target in a sentence

Target is about who or what the verb is aimed at. This includes doing things for or on behalf of someone, or towards people or objects.

Placement of Manner
Subject Time when Place Word Instrument Target Verb phrase Manner *Place Word Time-duration
有时候 对父母 说谎
司机 向右边 拐了弯
上个星期 在他家 用网上的菜谱 给我们 做了饭

Using question words in a Chinese sentence

You can insert question words (often called wh-words in English) into the structures above to form questions. Forming questions in Chinese is more straightforward than in English. In English you have to move the question word to the front of the sentence, whereas in Chinese it stays put in the sentence. All you have to do is replace the element you'd like to ask about with an appropriate question word.

Placement of question words
Subject Time when Place Word Instrument Target Verb phrase Manner Time-duration
有时候 在路上 用中文 向陌生人 问路
在路上 用中文 向陌生人 问路
什么时候 在路上 用中文 向陌生人 问路
在哪里 用中文 向陌生人 问路
在路上 用哪种语言 向陌生人 问路
有时候 在路上 用中文 向谁 问路
上课的时候 对老师 说中文 说得很琉璃
上课的时候 对老师 说中文 说得怎么样
今年 在上海 学中文 学了四个月了
今年 在上海 学中文 学了多久了

Sub-pages - possible titles

  1. 汉语她说得很好
  2. 她汉语说得很好
  3. 她说汉语说得很好

Potential content

  • Basic order: topic + subject + predicate
    • SVO language, but unusually has modifiers preceding the modified
      • e.g. 那两个喝醉的人打起来了。
      • In many cases uses many postpositions rather than prepositions
  • English vs Mandarin word order
    • English: Who, What, Where, When
    • Mandarin: Who, When, Where, What
  • Mandarin biggest to smallest units sequence
  • In-situ question words
  • Topic-comment structure
  • Topic and subject can sometimes be omitted
  • Time, manner place (TMP) adverb sequence
  • More detailed word order:
    • Subject, verb, direct object
    • Subject, verb, indirect object, direct object
    • Subject, prepositional phrase, verb, direct object
    • Subject, location phrase, verb phrase
    • Subject, time, manner, place, predicate


  1. For more information on the SVO concept, see the Wikipedia article Subject–verb–object.

Sources and further reading