Expressing "rather than..." with "yuqi... buru"

Just like any other language, Chinese has many ways of expressing preference. One of the common ways is to use the 与其...不如(yǔqí...bùrú), and other similar variations.

Using 与其 with 不如

When a speaker uses 与其...不如(yǔqí...bùrú) to express "Prefer...rather than", he is choosing B over A. You can also add an optional 还, 倒, 真 before the 不如.


与其 + ……,不如 + ……


  • 天气 这么 好,与其 在 家 看 电视,不如 出去 走 走。The weather is so nice. We'd rather go out for a walk than stay at home and watch TV.
  • 与其 这样 等着,还 不如 先 去 找 点 事 做。I'd rather find something to do than just wait like this.
  • 与其 自己 乱 想,不如 当面 问 清楚。I'd rather ask him face to face than think recklessly.
  • 与其 帮 别人 打工,还 不如 自己 当 老板。I'd rather to work for myself than work for other people.
  • 与其 花 这么 多 钱 在 市区 买 一 个 小 房子,不如 用 这些 钱 在 郊区 买 一 个 大 房子。We'd rather to buy a big house in suburban area than spend so much money buying a small one in the city area.

Using 与其 with 宁

与其...宁可(yǔqí...nìngkě) expresses preference by making a comparison. In this grammar pattern,the first option (A) is rejected, and the second option (B) is taken. This is like saying "in comparison to A, I would rather B." You can also swap out the 宁愿(nìngyuàn) or 宁肯(nìngkěn) , which have the same meaning.


与其+……,Subj. 宁可 / 宁愿 / 宁肯+……


  • 与其 ,我 宁可.
  • 与其宁可.
  • 与其 这样 互相 伤害,我 宁愿 早点 分手。I'd rather break up with sooner him than hurting each other like this.
  • 与其宁愿.
  • 与其宁肯.

Expressing an objective observation

In this structure, the speaker is basically saying the same thing, but actually using it with the verb 说. It expresses an objective judgment or evaluation, and according to the speaker, the latter part (B) is more correct or accurate than the earlier part (A).


与其说 + A,不如说 + B


  • 与其说 他 是 我 的 老师,不如说 他 是 我 的 朋友。I'd rather say that he's my friend than my teacher.
  • 与其说 她 是 在 帮 你,不如说 她 是 在 帮 你 自己。I'd rather say that she's helping you than she's helping herself.
  • 与其说 他 是 在 鼓励 我,不如说 是 在 批评 我。I'd rather say that he was criticizing me than encouraging me.
  • 与其说 他 是 在 做饭,还 不如说 他 是 在 玩。I'd rather say that he was playing than cook.
  • 与其说 它 是 一 部 爱情 电影,不如说 它 是 一 部 动作 电影。I'd rather say it's a action movie than a love movie.

Sources and further reading
