Resultative complement "chu(lai)"

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As with many resultative complements, 出来 can be used both literally and figuratively.

When used literally, 出(来) is quite intuitive, and means "to come out of" (in the direction of the speaker)

  • 绕 来 绕 去 四 个 小时,一直 走 不 出 迷宫。
  • 银行 跑 出来 了 一 个 小偷,口袋 塞 满 着 钞票。

出(来)and can also figuratively mean for something to come from "nothing into being" from "hidden to visible", or from "unknown to known"


  • 给 不 出 答案 (the speaker is unable to "produce" an answer)
  • 我 知道 你 是 四川人,我 都 听 出 来 了!( by listening to the speaker's accent the speaker has discovered that the listener is from Sichuan. 出来 is used to emphasize that this fact has come from being "unknown to known")
  • 他 是 个 没有 素质 的 人,这 个 我 早就 看 出 来 了。
  • 想 不 出 来 他 有 多 坏。

Note that whereas 想起来 means "to recall", 想出来 means "to figure out".

When 出来 is used directly as a verb, it can also be used literally and figuratively:

  • 你 怎么 在 厕所 里 这么 长 时间,快点 出来!
  • 考试 分数 出来 了,咱们 赶紧 去查 (the exam results have "come from nothing into being".
  • 结果 出来 了!