Expressing "in addition" with "lingwai"

Revision as of 06:53, 6 January 2012 by JiaBeixi (talk | contribs) (→‎Books)

另外 (lìng wài) can be used to express "in addition", often with 还 used in the following phrase.

For example:

  • 我 爱 旅游,看书,画画儿,另外我 还 喜欢 看 电影,特别 是 科幻片。
  • 不好意思 先生,这 里 是 VIP 室,要 另外 加钱 才 能 用。
  • 希望 你 能 更 积极 地 参与 会议 的 讨论。另外,你 还 应该 穿 得 正式 一 点。

When used as a pronoun, 另外 can also be used as a pronoun to denote "the other", as in 另外的人, "the other person".

See also

Sources and further reading
