Potential content
- Can indicate:
- Time, place, direction
- Object or target
- Reason
- Manner
- Passive
- Comparison
- Exclusion
- Cannot be used alone
- Cannot be reduplicated
- Cannot take aspect particles 了, 着, 过 (in general)
- Cannot form positive-negative questions
- Prepositions collocate (go with) certain objects, e.g.
- 在, 从 usually go with locations
- 从 can also go with time words
- 离 goes with lengths of time or distances
- 对 indicates objects, recipients or targets
- 给 also indicates objects, recipients and targets, and also indicates that something is being done for them
- 连 introduces objects that are surprising or unexpected
- 被 marks the agent (the person or thing performing the action) in passive constructions
- Some prepositions are also verbs, and others are exclusively prepositions [1].
- 把
- 被
- 实用汉语语法 (p. 56 - 57)
- Practicing HSK Grammar (pp. 67 - 94) [needs Amazon code]