Expressing wasted efforts with "bai"

Revision as of 02:25, 26 February 2013 by Guomubai (talk | contribs)

白 doesn't only mean "white". When added before a verb it means to do that verb "in vain" or "with no effect". In a certain way, tyou can think of 白 as not being just "white" but also "blank", like when you do something for a long time without thinking, and you're just going through the motions. It's like doing something with a "blank" mind.

Structure with just 白

All you have to do is but 白 before the verb.One important thing to note is that 白 is usually used with mono-syllabic words, like 帮, 做, 学 etc. You cannot put a 地 after 白.



  • 花 了 一 百 块 钱,这 件 衣服 不 能 穿。
  • 写 了 两 个 小时 的 报告,老板 不 需要 了。
  • 他 不 来 吃 饭 了,我 这 些 菜 做了。
  • 你 一 句 汉语 都 不 会 说, 学 了 这么 长 时间。

Structure with 白白

白 can also be replaced with 白白, and they are basically the same, though 白白 has a stronger emphasis on the "wasted effort." 白白 also is usually paired with a disyllabic word, like 帮助, 准备, 学习 etc. Unlike 白, 白白 can be used with a 地.


  • 明天白 不 考 中文, 小王 白白 准备 了 一 天。
  • 他 没 有 来 了,我 在 飞机场 白白 地 等 了 他 四 个 小时。
  • 白白 学 了 十 年 的 英语, 她 看得懂 英文,但是 连 简单 的 对话 都 不 会 说!

Sources and further reading