Expressing fractions with "fenzhi"

Revision as of 07:04, 11 July 2013 by Simingjie (talk | contribs)

分之 (fēnzhī) can be used to form a fraction in Chinese. When expressing a fraction, the denominator is always said before the numerator:


denominator + 分之 + numerator

So a 1/2 is read 二分之一, not 一分之二.


  • 人 身体 中,水 占 三 分之 二。In the human body, about two-thirds is water.
  • 印度 和 中国 的 人口 加 起来 是 全球 人口 的 三 分之 一。China's and India's population together add up to one third of the whole world's population.
  • 掷 色子 时,有 六 分之 一 的 可能性 掷 到 三。When throwing dice, you have a one in six chance of rolling a three.

See Also

Sources and further reading
