Comparing "hui," "neng," "keyi"

This is one of the trickiest comparisons, as 会, 能, and 可以 are often translated as "can." Sometimes they are explained as: 会 means "know how to", 能 means "to be able to", and 可以 means "to have permission to." Actually, they overlap a little bit. In this article, we will look at their differences.

会 can mean "know how to"

会 can express an action that you had to learn or be trained in to do.


会 + Verb


  • 修 电脑。
  • 跳舞。
  • 我 学 了 两 年 才 说 一点 汉语。

会 can also mean something is gonna to happen

会 can express something in the future will happen. It is often used to express trends or possibilities.


会 + Verb


  • 明天 你 来 吗?
  • 你 太 过分 了,没 有 人 这么 做。
  • 一会儿 下雨 吗?

很会 means 'to be good at"

很会 expresses being very skillful at something, or doing something very well. It can be translated as "really can", as in "you can really speak Chinese!", in other words, "you are good at speaking Chinese."


很会 + Verb


  • 这 个 女 孩子 唱歌。
  • 我 的 妈妈 做 饭。
  • 骗 人。

能 means "to be able to"

能 expresses having a certain ability or having obtained a certain requirement. It can also indicate that circumstances make an action not possible, or that an action is not allowed.


能 + Verb


  • 吃 三 碗 米饭 吗?
  • 记 住 所有 国家 的 名字 吗?
  • 三 个 月 的 小 孩子 不 走路。

可以 means "to have permission to"

可以 expresses having another person's permission. I can be thought of in the context of "allowed or not allowed".


可以 + Verb


  • 可以 进来 吗?
  • 可以 帮 我 一下 吗?
  • 可以 带 危险 物品 上车。

Examples of similar expressions, but with different meanings

  • 我 现在 跳舞 了,我 的 脚 伤 好 了。
  • 我 现在 跳舞 了,我 学 了 两 个 月。
  • 我 现在 可以 跳舞 了,我 爸爸 同意 了。

Example dialog

  • A: 我 可以 和 他们 一起 踢 足球 吗?
  • B: 你 的 腿 还 没 好,现在 你 不 踢。
  • A: 它 好 吗?
  • B: 很 快 就 好 的。

For a good visualization on how these three overlap, check out the Chinese Modal Verb Venn Diagram.

See also

Sources and further reading


