Using "youde" to mean "some"

If you are in a group setting and trying to express that some people are doing one thing, and others are doing something else, you can use 有的 (yǒude).


All you need to do is put "有的 (yǒude)" before the subject of each of the clauses in the sentence. If there is already some context, you can omit the subject, and the "有的 (yǒude)" can just mean "some" instead of "some of something."

有的 + (Subj.) + Predicate, 有的 + (Subj.) + Predicate

Also, you aren't limited to just two "有的 (yǒude)" in the sentence. You can have multiple groups doing different things, and just precede them with a "有的 (yǒude)" each time.


  • 外国人 有的 很 有钱, 有的 没钱。 Wàiguórén yǒude hěn yǒuqián, yǒude méiqián. Some foreigners are rich, but some aren't.
  • 我们 公司 有 一些 电脑, 有的 是 新的, 有的 是 旧的。 Wǒmen gōngsi yǒu yīxiē diànnǎo, yǒude shì xīnde, yǒude shì jiùde. Our company has some computers. Some are new, and some are old.
  • 他 写 了 很多 书,有的 卖 得 很好, 有的 卖 得 不好。 Tā xiě le hěn duō shū, yǒude mài de hěnhǎo, yǒude mài de bùhǎo. He writes a lot of books. Some sell well, but some don't.
  • 中国菜 有的 好吃, 有的 不 好吃。 Zhōngguócài yǒude hāochī yǒude bù hāochī. Some Chinese foods are tasty, while some aren't.
  • 这 家 店 的 衣服 有的 贵 , 有的 便宜 。 Zhè jiā diàn de yīfu yǒude guì, yǒude piányi. In this shop, some of the clothes are expensive and some are cheap.
  • 他 有 很 多 房子, 有的 在 国内, 有的 国外。 Tā yǒu hěn duō fángzi, yǒude zài guónèi, yǒude zài guówài. He has a lot of houses, some of them are within the country and some are abroad.
  • 晚上 六点 以后,有的 人 下班了, 有的 人 在 加班。 Wǎnshang liùdiǎn yǐhòu, yǒude rén xiàbān le, yǒude rén zài jiābān. After six o'clock some people are off work, while some are still working.
  • 我 的 大学 老师, 有的 很 年轻, 有的 很老。 Wǒ de dàxué lǎoshī yǒude niánqīng, yǒude lǎo. Some of my college teachers are young, some are old.
  • 酒吧里, 有的人 在 喝酒 , 有的人 在 跳舞 , 还 有的人 在 聊天 。 Jiǔbā lǐ, yǒude rén zài hējiǔ, yǒude rén zài tiàowǔ, hái yǒude rén zài liáotiān. In the bar, some people are drinking, some are dancing, and some are chatting.
  • 因为 工作,我 认识 了 很 多 人 , 有的 是 大学老师, 有的 是 CEO。 Yīnwèi gōngzuò, wǒ rènshi hěn duō rén, yǒude shì dàxué lǎoshī, yǒude shì CEO. I know a lot of people because of my work. Some are college teachers and some are CEOs.

See also

Sources and Further Reading
