Expressing concern with "kongpa"


恐怕 (kǒngpà) can be used as a conjunction, meaning "I'm afraid". It comes at the beginning of the sentence.


(Reason,) 恐怕 + Fact / Conclusion


  • 明天 我 很 忙,恐怕 没 时间。Míngtiān wǒ hěn máng, kǒngpà méi shíjiān. I'm busy tomorrow. I'm afraid I don't have time.
  • 已经 很 晚 了,恐怕 他 不 会 来 了。Yǐjīng hěn wǎn le, kǒngpà tā bù huì lái le. It's already very late. I'm afraid he's not coming.
  • 工作 太 多 了,恐怕 今天 做 不 完。 Gōngzuò tài duō le, kǒngpà jīntiān zuò bù wán. The work is too much. I'm afraid I can't finish them all today.
  • 饭 太 多 了,恐怕 我 吃 不 完。Fàn tài duō le, kǒngpà wǒ chī bù wán. The food is too much. I'm afraid I can't eat it all.
  • 这样 做 恐怕 不行。Zhèyàng zuò kǒngpà bù xíng. I'm afraid it doesn't work this way.
  • 恐怕 他 不 会 听 你 的 话。Kǒngpà tā bù huì tīng nǐ de huà. I'm afraid he won't listen to what you said.

Sources and further reading
