Advanced potential complements

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You may have a handle on the typical potential complements, but there are a few other fairly common ones that you still need to master. Each is addressed separately here, but for all of them, the preceding character 得 (de) or 不 (bu) is pronounced in the neutral tone.

Verbs with -不了 and -得了


This pattern is used to talk about whether or not you are able to do something. It is subtly different from using "不能 + Verb" because "Verb + 不了" usually suggests some external factor out of one's control.

Verb + 得了 / 不了

Note that the character 了 here is pronounced "liǎo."


  • 他 那么 老 , 得 了 那么 多 路 吗 ?Tā nàme lǎo, zǒu deliǎo nàme duō lù ma?He's so old. Will he be able to walk that far?
  • 今晚 我 有 事 , 不 了Jīn wǎn wǒ yǒushì, buliǎo.I have things to do tonight. I won't be able to go.
  • 这 件 衣服 太 小 了 ,我 穿 不 了Zhè jiàn yīfu tài xiǎo le, wǒ chuān buliǎo.This piece of clothing is too small. I won't be able to wear it.
  • 这 件 事情 只 有 你 得 了 我 。Zhè jiàn shìqing zhǐyǒu nǐ bāng deliǎo wǒ.You're the only one who is able to help me with this.

Verbs with -不下 and -得下


This is used to talk about whether or not something will fit or go somewhere. Commonly used with the verbs 放, 坐, 住, 装, 吃.

Verb + 得下 / 不下


  • 我 吃 饱 了 ,真的 不 下 了 。Wǒ chī bǎo le, zhēn de chī buxià le.I'm full. I don't feel like eating more.
  • 你 包 里 得 下 那么 多 东西 吗 ?Nǐ bāo li fàng dexià nàme duō dōngxi ma?Can your bag hold that many things?
  • 我 的 车 太 小 , 不 下 五 个 人 。 Wǒ de chē tài xiǎo, zuò buxià wǔ gèrén.My car is too small. Five people will not fit in it.
  • 我 的 箱子 这么 大 ,肯定 得 下 这些 衣服 。Wǒ de xiāngzi zhème dà, kěndìng zhuāng dexià zhèxiē yīfu.I'm sure my suitcase is big enough for these clothes.

Verbs with -不起 and -得起

This complement is related to being "able to afford" something or some cost. So -不起 means "can't afford to," and -得起 means "can afford to."


Verb + 得起 / 不起 + Obj.


  • 那 件 衣服 是 你 两 个 月 的 工资 , 得 起 吗?Nà jiàn yīfu shì nǐ liǎng gè yuè de gōngzī, mǎi deqǐ ma?That piece of clothing is worth two months of your salary. Can you afford to buy it?
  • 这 家 餐厅 太 贵 了 ,我们 不 起Zhè jiā cāntīng tài guì le, wǒmen chī buqǐ.This restaurant is too expensive. We can't afford to eat here.
  • 这里 房子 的 租金 最少 也 要 一 万 块 ,你 得 起 吗 ?Zhèlǐ fángzi de zūjīn zuìshǎo yě yào yī wàn kuài, nǐ deqǐ ma?This apartment's rent is at least 10,000 RMB. Can you afford to rent it?
  • 很 多 人 不 生 二胎 不是 因为 不 想 要 ,是 因为 成本 太 高 , 不 起Hěn duō rén bù shēng èrtāi bù shì yīnwèi bù xiǎng yào, shì yīnwèi chéngběn tài gāo, yǎng buqǐ.Many people don't have a second child not because they don't want to, but because costs are too high. They can't afford to raise another kid.

Verbs with -不动 and -得动


The potential complement -不动 is used to indicate the lack of energy or physical strength required to do something. This can be used not only with actions like walking, running or climbing, but even actions like eating and chewing.

Verb + 得动 / 不动


  • 不 动 了,我们 休息 一下 吧 !zǒu budòng le, wǒmen xiūxí yīxià ba!I can't keep going. I need to rest a bit.
  • 等等 我,我 不 动 了!Děng děng wǒ, wǒ pǎo budòng le!Wait for me. I can't keep running.
  • 孩子 真的 长大 了,妈妈 都 不 动 了 。Háizi zhēn de zhǎngdà le, māma dōu bào budòng le.The child is all grown up. His mother can't hold him anymore.
  • 这么 重 ,他 一个人 得 动 吗 ?Zhème zhòng, tā yīgèrén bān dedòng ma?It's so heavy. Can he move it by himself?

Verbs with -不着 and -得着

Similar to -到, the complement -着 (zháo) can denote that someone's one's ability is up (or not) to the task in question.


Verb + 得着 / 不着

Note that the character 着 here is pronounced "zháo."


  • 太 高 了 ,我 不 着Tài gāo le, wǒ gòu buzháo.It's too high. I can't reach it.
  • 这么 吵 ,你 得 着 吗 ?Zhème chǎo, nǐ shuì dezháo ma?It's so noisy. Can you sleep?
  • 太 难 了 ,我 不 着Tài nán le, wǒ cāi bu zháo.It's too hard. I can't guess.

This one is a little tricky, so find more examples in -着's dedicated grammar point.

See also

Sources and further reading
