Reference:Chinese: An Essential Grammar, Second Edition


The Chinese Language

Mandarin pronunciation

The Chinese vocabulary

Part I Nouns


  1. Nouns
    1. Noun features
    2. Proper Nouns
    3. Common nouns
      1. The plural suffix-men
      2. Nouns and definite or indefinite reference
  2. Numerals and nouns
    1. Cardinal numbers
      1. Two forms of the number two
    2. Ordinal numbers
    3. 'Half'
    4. Fractions, percentages, decimals, multiples, and 'every'
    5. Approximation
  3. Measures for nouns
    1. Measures and gè
    2. Other measure words
    3. Abstract nouns
    4. Material nouns
    5. Collective nouns
  4. Pronouns
    1. Personal pronouns
    2. Possessive pronounce
    3. Demonstrative pronouns
    4. Interrogative pronouns
    5. Other pronouns
    6. Pronouns and conjunctions
  5. Adjectives and attributives
    1. Attributives
    2. Adjectives as attributives
      1. Monosyllabic adjectives
      2. Polysyllabic adjectives and de
      3. Disyllabic adjectives and de
    3. Nominal attributives
      1. Nominal attributives and de
    4. Prepositional and postpositional phrases as attributives
    5. Verbal phrases or clauses as attributives
    6. The order of sequential attributives
    7. Demonstrative and numeral phrases with other attributives
    8. Possessive pronoun and other attributives
    9. Ér between adjectives
    10. Omission of the noun following an attributive
    11. Attributives in word-formation

Part II Verbs


  1. Adjectival and nominal predicates; the verb shì

Part I Nouns


  1. Nouns
    1. Noun features
    2. Proper Nouns
    3. Common nouns
      1. The plural suffix-men
      2. Nouns and definite or indefinite reference