Expressing "almost" using "chadian mei"


Logically, 差点没 is not that different from 差点. In fact, you shouldn't think of it as a single word; think of the 没 as belonging to what follows 差点 and it makes more sense. Still, it can be a little confusing, and is worth a closer look.

Logical Structure

Subj. + 差点 + 没 + Verb Phrase

Note that the "Verb Phrase" part is a desired result. So this structure is literally saying, "almost didn't [Verb Phrase]."

Also note that because you're using 没, you don't use 了 after the verb phrase.


  • 差点儿 没 想 起来。I did remember it. chàdiǎnr méi xiǎng qǐlái.I almost forgot it.
  • 差点 没 赶 上 火车。 I almost missed it, but I didn't.chàdiǎn méi gǎnshàng huǒchē.I didn't miss the train.
  • 差点 没 通过 考试。He did pass it.chàdiǎn méi tōngguò kǎoshì.He barely passed the examination.
  • 差点儿 没 买到 火车票。
  • 他们 两个 差点儿 没 打 起来。
  • 差点儿 没 和 她 撞 在 一起。
  • 这个 地方 太 大 了,我 走 了 很 久,差点儿 没 累 死。
  • 差点儿 没被 发现。
  • 这里 差点儿 没 变成 一 个 垃圾场。
  • 排队 的 人 太 多 了,差点儿 没 买到。I did get it.Páiduì de rén tài duō le, chàdiǎnr méi mǎidào.The waiting line is too long. I almost didn't get it.

See also

Sources and further reading


