Expressing "within" a period of time using "zai... nei"

Revision as of 09:10, 25 July 2018 by Tun (talk | contribs)

"在 (a period of time) 内" may sound a bit redundant, since 在 means "in" and 内 means "within" or "inside," but it is a commonly used "sandwich pattern" which means "within (a period of time)."


在 + (a period of time) + 内

The period of time in this structure can be a clear-cut indicator of time (days, months, years) or it can be a more vague indicator of time (short amount of time, a lifetime).


  • 三天, 你要把房租凑齐. You have to have the rent in three days.
  • 短短十年, 中国发生了翻天覆地的变化. Within in a short ten years, China has undergone earth-shaking changes.
  • 两个月, 这里从破旧的菜市场变成了整洁的运动场. Within two months, this run-down vegetable market has turned into a neat playground.

See Also

Sources and further reading
