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[[http://www.allsetlearning.com/news/2012-summer-intern-parry/ Parry's AllSet Learning intern profile]]
[[http://www.allsetlearning.com/news/2012-summer-intern-parry/ Parry's AllSet Learning intern profile]]
{{Print Comparisons|C1}}
== Parts of Speech ==
These following grammar points fit pretty neatly into one part of speech category.
{{Print POS 2021-HSK|HSK1}}
== Grammatical Structures ==
These are grammatical structures that do not correspond to one particular part of speech.
{{Print Structure HSK|HSK1}}
== Comparisons of Similar Grammar Points ==
What's the difference between this grammar point and that grammar point? Check here.
{{Print Comparisons HSK|HSK1}}

Revision as of 02:47, 20 April 2021



[Parry's AllSet Learning intern profile]

Parts of Speech

These following grammar points fit pretty neatly into one part of speech category.


Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Expressing actions in progress with "zai" (正) 在 + Verb 我们 正在 吃饭。
Negation of "you" with "mei" 没 + 有 没有 钱 。
Standard negation with "bu" 不 + Verb / Adj. 他们 是 坏 孩子。
The "all" adverb "dou" 都 + Verb / Adj. 我们 住 在 上海。
The "also" adverb "ye" 也 + Verb / Adj. 昨天 很 冷,今天 冷。

Adverbs with Adjectives

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Asking about degree with "duo" Subj. + 多 + Adj. ? 高?
Expressing "not very" with "bu tai" 不太 + Adj. 不太 高兴 。我 不太 喜欢。


Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Expressing "and" with "he" Noun 1 + 和 + Noun 2 他 都 不 去。


Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
After a specific time with "yihou" Time / Verb + 以后 10点 以后 ,我 不 在 家。
Before a specific time with "yiqian" Time / Verb + 以前 十 点 以前,我 在 家。
Time words and word order Subj. + Time⋯⋯ / Time + Subj.⋯⋯ 明天 有 空。/ 明天 我 有 空。


Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Age with "sui" Subj. + Number + 岁 我 20
Measure word "ge" Number + 个 + Noun 人 。
Structure of dates Number + 年 + Number + 月 + Number + 日 今天 是 2011年 11月 11日/号
Structure of days of the week 星期 + Number 今天 星期三
Structure of numbers Number + Unit 三 百 五 十 九。
Structure of times (advanced) Number 1 + 点(钟) + Number 2 + 分 现在 十一点十八分
Structure of times (basic) Number + 点(钟) 现在 十一点


Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Expressing close possession without "de" Pronoun + Noun 我 女朋友
Expressing completion with "le" Subj. + Verb + 了 + Obj. 我 吃 两 个 苹果。
Expressing "not anymore" with "le" 不 / 没(有) + Verb Phrase + 了 想 吃
Expressing "now" with "le" New Situation + 了 吃饭
Expressing possession with "de" Noun 1 + 的 + Noun 2 我 的 老师
Questions with "ne" ⋯⋯呢 ? 我 很 好。你  ?
Sentence-final interjection "a" ⋯⋯啊 !谁
Softening speech with "ba" ⋯⋯吧 这样 不 太 好
Suggestions with "ba" Command + 吧 我们 走


Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Directional verbs "lai" and "qu" 来 / 去 + Place 上海 一 年 了。
Expressing existence in a place with "zai" 在 + Place 老师 在 上海
Expressing existence with "you" Place + 有 + Obj. 我们 学校 很 多 学生。
Expressing possession with "you" Subj. + 有 + Obj. 钱。
Polite requests with "qing" 请 + Verb 坐 。
Using the verb "jiao" 叫 + Name 什么 名字 ?
Using the verb "qu" 去 + Place 学校。

Auxiliary verbs

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Expressing ability or possibility with "neng" 能 + Verb 中文 这么 难,你 学 好 吗?
Expressing a learned skill with "hui" 会 + Verb 会 说 中文 。
Expressing "will" with "hui" 会 + Verb 明天 你 来 吗?
Expressing "would like to" with "xiang" 想 + Verb 去。

Verb phrases

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
How to do something with "zenme" 怎么 + Verb ? 怎么 走?
Indicating location with "zai" before verbs Subj. + 在 + Place + Verb 上海 工作。
Negation of past actions with "meiyou" 没有 + Verb 没有 去 酒吧。

Grammatical Structures

These are grammatical structures that do not correspond to one particular part of speech.


Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Basic sentence order Subj. + Verb (+ Obj.) 我 爱 你 。
Connecting nouns with "shi" A + 是 + B 学生 。
Expressing "excessively" with "tai" 太 + Adj. + 了  !
Simple "noun + adjective" sentences Noun + 很 + Adj. 好。

Noun Phrases

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Expressing "some" with "yixie" 一些 + Noun 这里 有 一些 咖啡。

Numbers and Measure Words

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Counting money Number + 块 / 元 (+ Number + 毛 / 角) (+ 钱) 给 你 五
Measure words in quantity questions 几 + Measure Word (+ Noun) ? 人?

Question Forms

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Asking how something is with "zenmeyang" ⋯⋯怎么样? 你 最近 怎么样
Placement of question words 什么 / 什么时候 / 谁 / 哪儿 / 为什么 / 怎么 你 是 ?你 在 哪儿
Questions with "le ma" Verb + 了 + 吗? 你 吃饭 了 吗
Yes-no questions with "ma" ⋯⋯吗? 他 是 老板  ?

Sentence Patterns

Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
The "shi... de" construction for emphasizing details 是⋯⋯ 的 怎么 来

Comparisons of Similar Grammar Points

What's the difference between this grammar point and that grammar point? Check here.


Grammar Point (English) Pattern Examples
Comparing "bu" and "mei" 不 vs 没 我 今天 晚上 吃饭。昨天 晚上 我 吃饭。