Using "always" as a complaint with "laoshi"
Similar to
Used for
We have a few ways to say "always" in Chinese, and one of them is to use the word 老是 (lǎoshi).
Structure with a verb
老是 is an adverb, usually translated into English as "always". It expresses that an action or a condition constantly repeats or continues. It also has an unsatisfied or frustrated tone. It can be interchanged with the word 总是.
老是 + Verb
You can use "老" instead of "老是".
- 不要 老是 笑话 别人。Don't laugh at other people all the time.
- 他 老是 喜欢 说 脏 话。He always likes saying bad words.
- 老板 老是 让 我们 加班。The boss always asks us to work overtime.
- 他 老 不 来 参加 培训。He never comes to the training session.
- 你 老 在 别人 面前 说 我 的 坏话。You always like speaking evil of me in front of other people.
Structure with Adjective
When it is used together with an adjective, it usually has an adverb before it, such as "很, 非常, 这么, 那么" etc.
老是 + (Adverb +) Adjective
- 你 怎么 老是 这么 高兴?How are you always so happy?
- 他 的 脸 老是 很 红,很 可爱。His face is always red and cute.
See also
Sources and further reading
- 现代汉语词典(第5版) (pp. 145) →buy