Direction complement "-qilai"

Revision as of 03:00, 21 November 2011 by Jonathan.pope (talk | contribs)

起来 (qǐlái) comes up very frequently in Chinese and can be used both literally and figuratively. This is a little like the usage of "up" in English which can be used literally, as in "stand up", or figuratively, as in "add up".

Expressing an upward movement:

起来 can be used to like "up", where in English we say "stand up", or "pick up".

  • 大家 站 起来 了。
  • 快点 把 垃圾 捡 起来

Expressing bringing things together

起来 can be used to express collecting things together, where in English we might say "tidy up", or "add up".

  • 请 把13 和 15 加 起来
  • 他 把 袜子 收拾 起来 了。
  • 一个 优秀 的 领袖 会 让 他 的 国民 团结 起来

Expressing recollection

It can also be used figuratively to express remembering something that was forgotten, and is almost like the speaker pulling up memories from their mind.

  • 想 起来 了!我们 是 去年 在 北京 开会 的 时候 见面 的!

Expressing initiation of an action

起来 can also be used to show that an action or state has started and is ongoing:

  • 大家 笑 起来
  • 两 个 大妈 吵 起来
  • 今天 天气 热 起来
  • 他的病 好起来了

So 笑起来 is the same as 开始笑. When used like this, 起来 is only used with spontaneous actions, like 唱, 跳, 讨论, or with states like 热,冷,or 好 etc. It cannot be used with planned actions.

For example

  • 我们 做饭 起来 吧。
  • 我们 开始 做饭 吧。

Expressing a superficial judgement

起来 can also be used to express a superficial judgement. 起来 is used here to express that the speaker has only just initiated an action, and based on that, has made a quick judgement. It is used in the following structure:

Subject + Verb + 起来 + Adjective

This expresses that the subject seems adjective when the action of the verb is performed. This structure is frequently used with perception verbs such as 看, 听, 尝 etc.

Some examples:

  • 看 起来 很 友好。
  • 听 起来 不错。
  • 这 瓶 啤酒 尝 起来 像 比利时的。

See also

Sources and further reading

