Expressing "so-called" with "suowei"
所谓 (suǒwèi) is the Chinese way of expressing "so-called." It can also be used in scenarios you would use sarcastic air quotation marks. Just keep in mind that "so-called" often comes with a negative connotation in English, but this is not always so in Chinese.
所谓 + "so-called name"
- 所谓 的 天才,有 可能 有 这样的人,也有 可能,他 自己 偷偷地 努力。The so-called genius, there may be such a person, or, possibly, he himself secretly tried hard.
- 没有 所谓 的 失败,除非 你 不 想 再 尝试。There is no such thing as failure, unless you do not want to try again.
- 所谓 的 “名医”,竟然 连 最 基本 的 医学 知识 都 不 知道。So-called "famous doctors" do not even know the most basic medical knowledge.
- 所谓 企业 管理,是需要 解决 一个 接 一个 的问题。So-called corporate management is about solving one problem after another.
- 所谓 没有 时间,是 你 没有 好好 安排 时间。The so-called lack of time means that you have not planned your time well.
- 所谓 成长,就是 自己 可以 照顾 自己,自己 开始 考虑 别人的 感受。Growth means that you can take care of yourself, that you start to consider the feelings of others.
- 人生 没有 所谓 的 答案。There is no such thing as an answer in life.
- 这种 所谓 的 名牌,是 销售者 自己 说的。This so-called famous brand is what the sellers themselves say.
- 所谓 永远 的 爱,是 不 存在 的。There is no such thing as eternal love.
- 为了 所谓 的 权力,去 放弃 家人,是 不 聪明的 做法。It is not wise to give up your family for the sake of so-called power.
Sources and further reading