
Revision as of 15:49, 13 February 2016 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs)

The Chinese Grammar Wiki began life as an Excel spreadsheet full of grammar points organized by difficulty level. This list was needed to track the progress of AllSet Learning's clients and design personalized grammar practice where it was most needed. But as the lists continued to grow and evolve, it quickly become apparent that it made a lot of sense to put the grammar points online so the newest version was always obvious. But for ease of editing, what could be better than a wiki? And if AllSet Learning teachers were to have access, why not open up access to all learners? The Chinese Grammar Wiki was developed internally for about a year before becoming public in January, 2012.

Probably the most important feature of the Chinese Grammar Wiki which has always been kept at the forefront of its development is its relentless focus on learner level. An absolute beginner can't absorb all the uses of every word she encounters, and she shouldn't be expected to. And it's no coincidence that there are fewer A1 grammar points than A2 grammar points, and fewer A2 grammar points than B1 grammar points. Example sentences are plentiful, but relentlessly edited to be level-appropriate. And for the learners that can't get enough, relevant articles of all levels are always just a link away.

The Chinese Grammar Wiki is not a Chinese course. It's a companion resource that can complement any Chinese course. Don't expect to read it from start to finish, or to go through the grammar point lists from top to bottom. But do expect to come back often. Expect to click around quite a bit. And expect to get sucked into the curiously logical world of Chinese grammar.