Expressing "already" with "dou… le"

都⋯⋯ 了 (dōu... le) is used to express that something has already happened, similar to "已经⋯⋯ 了." However it is used more emphatically, implying that the speaker holds some sort of attitude in relation to the event, and is not merely objectively stating the facts, as with "已经⋯⋯ 了." The two options can actually also be combined in the pattern "都已经⋯⋯ 了." Here the meaning is the same as "都⋯⋯ 了."


都 + Time Word / Quantity + 了

Subj. + 都 + Adj. / Verb + 了


  • 九点 ,快 起床 吧!Dōu jiǔ diǎn le, kuài qǐchuáng ba!It's already nine o'clock. Get out of bed!
  • 十二 点 ,你 还不 睡?Dōu shí'èr diǎn le, nǐ hái bù shuì?It's already 12am. Aren't you going to bed?
  • 一 个 小时 ,他 还 在 厕所 里。Dōu yī gè xiǎoshí le, tā hái zài cèsuǒ lǐ.It's already been an hour. He's still in the bathroom.
  • 二十一 世纪 ,你 还 这么 想?Dōu èrshí-yī shìjì le, nǐ hái zhème xiǎng?It's already the 21st century and you still think this way?
  • 快 三十 ,说话 还 像 个 孩子。dōu kuài sānshí le, shuōhuà hái xiàng gè háizi.You're 30, and you still talk like a small child.
  • ,快 吃 吧。Fàn dōu liáng le. Kuài chī ba.The food is cold already. Let's eat.
  • 牛奶 ,扔掉 吧 。Niúnǎi dōu huài le, rēngdiào ba.The milk's gone bad. You should throw it away.
  • 说 了 三 遍 ,不想 再 说 了 。dōu shuō le sān biàn le, bù xiǎng zài shuō le.I've said it three times already. I don't want to repeat any more.
  • 这个 电影 你 看 过 ,看 别的 吧。Zhège diànyǐng nǐ dōu kàn guo le, kàn biéde bā.You've seen this movie already. Let's watch something else.
  • 道歉 ,你 别 生气 了。dōu dàoqiàn le, nǐ bié shēngqì le.He's made an apology. Stop being so mad at him.

See also

Sources and further reading

