Comparing "gang" and "gangcai"

Revision as of 07:51, 31 January 2013 by Guomubai (talk | contribs)

刚 (gāng) and 刚才 (gāngcái) are similar, but they have somewhat different uses.

Both are used before Verb but different meaning

刚 emphasize action happened not long ago

"刚" is actually an adverb, and it is places in front of the verb. It emphasizes that the action just happened a very short time ago.It is similar to the English "just".


刚 + Verb


  • 说过,不 想 再 说 一 遍。I just spoke, I don't want to speak again.
  • 看到 他。I just saw him.
  • 来。He just came.

刚才 emphasize what people did just now

刚才 is a time noun, and it expresses the time that passed is really short. If it is placed in before the verb, it emphasizes what happens in the time that just past. It is similar to the English "just now".


刚才 + Verb


  • 刚才 看 过 了,不 想 再 看 一 遍。I just saw now saw it, I don't want to see it again.
  • 刚才 看到 他 了。I just now saw him.
  • 刚才 来 了。I just now came.

刚才 can be used as Attribute while 刚 can not

刚才 can also mean "time that just past". It can be used as a now to indicate "time before" or "just before"


刚才 + 的 + Noun


  • 刚才 的 事情 太 让 人 生气 了。
  • What just happened makes people very angry.
  • 我 觉得 现在 比 刚才 亮。
  • I think it's brighter now that just before.
  • 的 事情 太 让 人 生气 了。
  • Just think makes people angry

刚 can be used as "Just" while 刚才 can not

刚 is an adverb, and it can also spruce up an adjective. It has the same meaning as 刚刚. 刚才 cannot to this.


刚才 + Adjective


  • 晴。The sky just became clear.
  • 一 个 面包 够 吃,多 一 个 更 好。One bread is just enough, more is even better.

Right or Wrong

  • 刚才 回家。
  • 回家。
  • 刚才 没 想好 吃 什么,现在 我 想好 了。
  • 没 想好 吃 什么,现在 我 想好 了。


  • A: 你 刚才 去 哪儿 了?
  • B: 我 上 完 厕所。
  • A: 那 你 不知道 刚才 的事情 吧?
  • B: 是 不 是 有人 吵架 了?

See also

Sources and further reading

