Using "ye" and "dou" together


If you are trying to draw similarities amongst a group, you will want to pair two key words together. You will want to use 也 (yě) first followed by 都 (dōu) to express that a group of people have something in common.


If you're using 也 (yě) and 都 (dōu) in the same sentence, remember to put 也 (yě) first:

Subj. + 也 + 都 + Verb / Adj.


  • 他们 也 都 是 法国 人。Tāmen yě dōu shì Fǎguó rén.They are also all French people.
  • 我们 也 都 喜欢 喝 啤酒。Wǒmen yě dōu xǐhuan hē píjiǔ.We all like to drink beer too.
  • 他 很 高 ,他 的 两 个 弟弟 也 都 跟 他 差不多 高 。He's tall. His little brothers and he are more or less the same height.
  • 老板 经常 加班,你们 也 都 加班 吗?Lǎobǎn jīngcháng jiābān, nǐmen yě dōu jiābān ma?The boss constantly works overtime, do you all also work overtime?
  • 这 家 店 的 面包 很 好吃 ,别 的 点心 也 都 不错 。Zhè jiā diàn de miànbāo hěn hǎochī , bié de diǎnxīn yě dōu bùcuò.This store's bread is very delicious, the other snacks are also not bad.

See also

Sources and further reading
