Expressing "with regards to" with "zhiyu"
Similar to
Used for
至于 (zhìyú) "with regards to" or "as to" is used when the speaker want to comment on a topic related to the previously discussed one.
This structure is simple, used similarly to "with regards to" in English. Just put in before the further comment you want to say.
至于 + Topic, Comment
- 项目 方案 我 给 老板 了,至于 老板 同 不 同意,要 看 老板 了。I've given the project proposal to my boss, but it's up to him whether he agrees or not.
- 他 足球 踢得 不错,至于 篮球,那 就 一般 了。He is a good soccer player, but not so good at basketball.
- 我 很 喜欢 读书,至于 什么 书,没有 限制。I like reading very much, and there is no limit to what I can read.
- 我 已经 和 你 说 很多 了,至于 这个 问题,你 自己 好好 想想。I've already told you a lot, as for this question, you think it over.
- 我 只能 帮 你 这么 多,至于 后面 怎么做,你 要 自己 努力 了。That's all I can do for you. As for what to do afterwards, you have to work hard.
- 我 过年 一定 会 回家 的,至于 她 回 不 回去,我 不 关心。I'll definitely be home for the New Year, but I don't care whether she comes back or not.
- 小猫 我 先 养着,至于 钱 的 事儿,以后 再 说。I'll keep the cat for now, but we'll talk about the money later.
- 我 已经 尽力 了,至于 结果 只 能 看 运气 了。I've already tried my best. With regards to the results, it's all a matter of luck.
- 她 跟 我 说 明天 回来,至于 具体 的 时间,我 就 不 知道 了。She told me she was coming back tomorrow. In regards to a specific time, I don't know.
- 律师 只能 为他 的 客户 辩护,至于 最后 的 判决,那 就 取决于 法官 了。A lawyer only defends his client. As for the verdict, that depends on the judge.