Expressing "always" with "zongshi"

If you are trying to describe a daily routine, a habit, or a consistency you can use the word 总是 (zǒngshì). 总是 (zǒngshì) means "always," and like other adverbs, comes before the verb in a sentence.

总是 with Verbs

总是 (zǒngshì) is an adverb that is often translated to English as "always". It is placed before the verb that it modifies.


Subj. + 总是 + Verb


  • 总是 迟到。zǒngshì chídào.He is always late.
  • 总是 忘记 这 个 词。zǒngshì wàngjì zhè ge cí.I always forget this word.
  • 总是 一 个 人 吃 饭。zǒngshì yīgè rén chīfàn.He always eats alone.
  • 这 个 小孩 总是 给 我 麻烦。Zhège xiǎohái zǒngshì gěi wǒ máfan.This kid's always given me trouble.
  • 我 的 学生 总是 有 很多 有意思 的 问题。 Wǒ de xuéshēng zǒngshì yǒu hěnduō yǒuyìsi de wèntí.My students always have a lot of interesting questions.

总是 with Adjectives

Structure with Adjectives

When 总是 (zǒngshì) is used together with an adjective, you will need to add a modifier in the middle, such as "这么 (zhème)," "那么 (nàme)," "很 (hěn)," "特别 (tèbié)" etc.

总是 + Modifier + Adj.


  • 总是 很 累。zǒngshì hěn lèi.He is always tired.
  • 总是 不 高兴。Bié zǒngshì bù gāoxìng.Don't always be unhappy.
  • 你 为什么 总是 这么 忙?Nǐ wèishéme zǒngshì zhème máng?Why are you always so busy?
  • 他 做 事 总是 那么 慢。Tā zuòshì zǒngshì nàme màn.He always does things so slow.
  • 妈妈 睡觉 总是 那么 晚。Māma shuìjiào zǒngshì nàme wǎn.Mom always goes to bed so late.

See also

Sources and further reading