Expressing "every time" with "mei" and "dou"

每次⋯⋯ 都⋯⋯ (měi cì... dōu...) is a pattern used to express "every time," even though the phrase 每次 (měi cì) may not be explicitly used.


You should already be familiar with how and work together. In this grammar structure, the focus is on what happens every time a certain action is done.

Subj. + 每次 + Event 1 + 都 + Event 2


  • 每次 来 我 家 带 花 。měi cì lái wǒ jiā dōu dài huā.She brings flowers every time she visits me.
  • 为什么 每次 我 来 他 不 在 ?Wèishénme měi cì wǒ lái tā dōu bù zài?How come he‘s not here every time I come here?
  • 你 怎么 每次 吃 火锅 拉肚子 ?Nǐ zěnme měicì chī huǒguō dōu lādùzi?Why do you have diarrhea every time you eat hotpot?
  • 每次 迟到 说 因为 堵车 。měicì chídào dōu shuō yīnwèi dǔchē.He would say it's because of traffic jam every time he's late.
  • 每次 经过 这 家 店 要 进去 看看 。měi cì jīngguò zhè jiā diàn dōu yào jìnqù kànkan.Every time I pass this shop, I go inside and take a look.
  • 每次 在 外面 吃饭 要 拍照 。měi cì zài wàimiàn chīfàn dōu yào pāizhào.She takes photos of food every time she eats out.
  • 每次 编辑 要 保存 。Měi cì biānjí dōu yào bǎocún.Every time you edit, save it.
  • 每次 玩 这个 游戏 输 。měi cì wán zhège yóuxì dōu shū.Every time I play this game, I lose.
  • 我 姐姐 每次 换 工作 要 搬家 。Wǒ jiějie měi cì huàn gōngzuò dōu yào bānjiā.Every time my elder sister starts a new job, she moves.
  • 每次 遇到 生词 他 要 查 字典 。Měi cì yùdào shēngcí tā dōu yào chá zìdiǎn.Every time he comes across a new word, he looks it up in the dictionary.
  • 爸爸 每次 出差 给我 买 礼物 。Bàba měi cì chūchāi dōu gěi wǒ mǎi lǐwù.My father buys presents for me every time he goes on business trips.

See also

Sources and further reading
