Expressing "some" with "yixie"

Revision as of 05:20, 13 June 2014 by Zach (talk | contribs)

In order to express "some," you can use 一些 (yìxiē). It is mostly used to modify an object, but it can also be used to modify subjects as well.


一些 + Noun


  • 这里 有一些 咖啡。You can get some coffee there.
  • 我 想 喝一些 牛奶。I want to drink some milk.
  • 给 我一些 时间。Give me some time.
  • 他 告诉 我 了 一些 好 消息。He told me some good news.
  • 我 去 过 一些中国 的 地方。I went to some places in China.
  • 我 吃 了 一些 牛肉。I ate some beef.
  • 你 可以 给 我 一些 钱 吗?Can you give me some money?
  • 她 的 朋友 有 一些 中文 书。Her friend has some Chinese books.
  • 我 买 了 一些 水果。I bought some fruits.

See also

Sources and further reading
