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[http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/7802006473/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=allset-20&linkCode=as2&camp=217145&creative=399373&creativeASIN=7802006473 <img border="0" class="alignleft" src="http://ec4.images-amazon.com/images/I/51TX9hzG5wL._SL500_AA300_.jpg" >]
<span class="plainlinks">[http://amzn.to/2zBMfhl <img border="0" class="alignright" src="http://ec4.images-amazon.com/images/I/51TX9hzG5wL._SL500_AA300_.jpg" >]</span>
[http://amzn.to/2zBMfhl Common Chinese Patterns 330 (汉语常用格式330例) ] by Chen Ru, Zhu Xiao Yan
[http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/7802006473/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=allset-20&linkCode=as2&camp=217145&creative=399373&creativeASIN=7802006473 Common Chinese Patterns 330 (汉语常用格式330例) ] by Chen Ru, Zhu Xiao Yan
<blockquote>The Chinese language can be quite confusing to new learners because there is a large number of grammatical phenomena in the language where some words are always used together with others, forming a set structure or collocation which gives a specific meaning. Since these expressions are of a set structure, people usually call them ""set patterns"". This book is a compilation of common set patterns in the Chinese language designed to facilitate students' study. </blockquote>
<blockquote>The Chinese language can be quite confusing to new learners because there is a large number of grammatical phenomena in the language where some words are always used together with others, forming a set structure or collocation which gives a specific meaning. Since these expressions are of a set structure, people usually call them ""set patterns"". This book is a compilation of common set patterns in the Chinese language designed to facilitate students' study. </blockquote>
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<blockquote>This can be a students' book and can be a tool for teachers.</blockquote>
<blockquote>This can be a students' book and can be a tool for teachers.</blockquote>
== Grammar Points by Chapter ==
== Grammar Points by Chapter ==
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# 重~轻~
# 重~轻~
# 左~右~
# 左~右~
== Grammar Point References to This Book ==
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[[Category:Grammar Index]]
[[Category:Grammar Index]]

Latest revision as of 02:15, 25 October 2017

Common Chinese Patterns 330 (汉语常用格式330例) by Chen Ru, Zhu Xiao Yan

The Chinese language can be quite confusing to new learners because there is a large number of grammatical phenomena in the language where some words are always used together with others, forming a set structure or collocation which gives a specific meaning. Since these expressions are of a set structure, people usually call them ""set patterns"". This book is a compilation of common set patterns in the Chinese language designed to facilitate students' study.

To help students learn these patterns faster, understand them more accurately and use them skillfully, this book has compiled 3,300 example sentences for the 330 patterns selected for the book. Each pattern is presented in its own section comprised of four parts: Explanation, Examples, Dialogues and Exercises. The Explanations are written to be as concise as possible and usages mentioned in the Explanations are the ones that are most commonly met, and are covered in the Examples and Dialogues, enabling learners to understand and master the expression more quickly. This also makes this book a valuable resource for teachers' reference and use. Examples are intentionally made easy or difficult, and some are idioms or set phrases, so as to arouse learners' interest and enhance their reading and speaking abilities.

This can be a students' book and can be a tool for teachers.

Grammar Points by Chapter

  1. 爱~不~
  2. 爱~就~
  3. 把A~当/做B
  4. 把~当回事
  5. 把~给~
  6. ~罢了
  7. 白~(了)(1)
  8. 白~(了)(2)
  9. 半~半~
  10. 半~不~
  11. 甭/别提多~
  12. A比B~得多
  13. ~比~都~
  14. A比B~多了
  15. A比B更/还~
  16. A比起B来~/比起B来,A~
  17. 别的不说,就(说)~
  18. 别看~,其实~
  19. A不比B~多少
  20. 不~不~
  21. 不但~,反而~
  22. 不但~,还/而且~
  23. 不但~,连~也/都
  24. ~不到哪儿去
  25. 不管~,都/也~
  26. 不管怎么说,~
  27. 不管~怎么样,~
  28. ~不惯
  29. (只)不过~罢了
  30. 不仅不/没~,还~
  31. 不仅~,任何~都~
  32. ~不了多少
  33. 不论/不管~,总得~
  34. ~,不免~
  35. A不如B(~)
  36. 不是~,而是~
  37. 不是~,就是~
  38. ~不说/不算,~
  39. 不要说/甭说~,就连~也/都~
  40. 不~也~
  41. 不在于~,而是/而在于~
  42. 不怎么~
  43. ~不怎么样
  44. 不只~,就连~都/也~
  45. ~才怪(呢)
  46. 才~就~
  47. ~才~呢
  48. 除非~,不然/否则~
  49. 除非~,才~
  50. 除了~(以外),都~
  51. 除了~,就是~
  52. 除了~(以外),也/还~
  53. 从~出发
  54. 从~角度说
  55. 从~(来)看/说
  56. 从哪儿~起(呢)
  57. 从/自~起
  58. 从/自~以来
  59. 打/从/自~以后
  60. 大~大~
  61. 大~的,~
  62. 大~特~
  63. 到时候~
  64. 倒(是)~
  65. 到~为止
  66. ~得不得了/得不行
  67. A的A,B的B
  68. ~的话,~
  69. 东~西~
  70. 动不动就~
  71. 都~了,~
  72. 都这时候了,~
  73. 对~来说,~
  74. 对了,~
  75. 多少~(一)点儿
  76. 多少有点儿~
  77. 多(么)~也/都
  78. 凡(是)~,都~
  79. 反正
  80. 放~点儿
  81. 放着~不~
  82. 非(得)~不可/不行
  83. 该A的A,该B的B
  84. 该~就~
  85. 该~了
  86. 刚~就~
  87. ~个不停
  88. 各~各的~
  89. ~个够
  90. (你)给我~
  91. ~跟/和~差不多
  92. ~跟/和~过不去
  93. 够~的(了)
  94. 怪~的
  95. 管~叫~
  96. 光/单~就~
  97. A归A,B归B
  98. ~还不~啊
  99. 还不就是~
  100. 还~哪
  101. 还没~呢
  102. 还~呢(1)
  103. 还~呢(2)
  104. 还是~好
  105. ~,好~
  106. 好~啊
  107. 好不~
  108. ~好了
  109. 好(不)容易才~
  110. 好在~,要不然,~
  111. A和B比起来,~/和B比起来,A~
  112. 何必~呢
  113. ~,何况~
  114. A和B相比
  115. A和B相似
  116. 忽~忽~
  117. 话是这么说,可是~
  118. 话又说回来
  119. 或者~或者~
  120. 即使~也~
  121. 既然~(那么)就~
  122. 既~又/也~
  123. 继~之后,~
  124. 假如~,就~
  125. 叫~给~
  126. 尽管~,可是~
  127. ~就/便~
  128. ~就~吧
  129. ~就看~
  130. 就~来说/来看
  131. ~就是(~)
  132. ~就是了
  133. ~,就是~了点儿
  134. 就是/就算~也~
  135. 就说~吧,~
  136. ~就行
  137. A就A在~(上)
  138. 就这样(~),~还~呢
  139. 看把你/他~的
  140. 看上去~
  141. 看样子~
  142. ~,可不就~
  143. ~,可见~
  144. 可~啦
  145. 快~了
  146. ~啦,~啦
  147. ~来~去
  148. ~来着
  149. 懒得~
  150. ~了又~
  151. 连~带~
  152. 连~也/都~
  153. 连~也/都~,甭/别说~了
  154. 连~也/都~,何况
  155. 没个不~的
  156. 没什么大不了的
  157. 没什么好/可~的
  158. 没有比A更~的了
  159. 没有~,哪(能)有
  160. ~,免得/省得~
  161. 拿A跟/和B比
  162. 拿~来说
  163. 哪儿(呀)
  164. ~哪儿,~哪儿
  165. 哪会儿~哪会儿~
  166. 哪里~,哪里~
  167. 哪怕~,也/都~
  168. 那得/要看~
  169. 那还~得了
  170. 那还用说
  171. 难道/莫非~(不成)
  172. 闹到天也~
  173. 你看你,~
  174. 你~你的(~)
  175. 你~我~(1)
  176. 你~我~(2)
  177. 宁可~,也不~
  178. 宁可~,也要~
  179. 七~八~
  180. 千~万~
  181. 前~后~
  182. 瞧你说的,~
  183. 让/随~去吧
  184. 如果~,就~
  185. 如果说~,那(么)~则/就~
  186. 三~两~
  187. 三下五除二
  188. ~上下
  189. 少说(也)~
  190. ~什么
  191. 什么~不~的
  192. 什么~都/也~
  193. ~什么劲儿
  194. ~什么,~什么
  195. 什么也/都~
  196. ~,甚至~
  197. 时~时~
  198. 时而~时而~
  199. ~似的
  200. 是~的
  201. ~是/归~,可是/但~
  202. ~是时候
  203. A是A,B是B
  204. ~是他/你,~也是他/你
  205. 首先~,其次~
  206. 谁~,谁~
  207. 谁也/都~
  208. 顺着~往~
  209. 说到~,~就~
  210. 说到哪儿去了
  211. 说话就~
  212. 说~就~
  213. (把话)说开了~
  214. 说什么也~
  215. 似~非~
  216. 算了
  217. 虽然~,但是/可是~
  218. 虽说~,可~
  219. 随着A的,B~
  220. 挺~的
  221. 为的是~
  222. 为~而~
  223. 为~起见
  224. 我说~
  225. 我说嘛,~
  226. 我说呢,~
  227. 我说你,~
  228. 我说~怎么~呢
  229. 无论怎么说,也~
  230. 无论~,只要~
  231. 无时无刻不~
  232. 无所不~
  233. 无~无~
  234. 先~,接着~
  235. 先~,然后
  236. 先~着,~
  237. 像/跟~似的
  238. ~,要不~(1)
  239. ~,要不~(2)
  240. 要不是~
  241. 要到~,才~
  242. 要多~有多~
  243. 要看~的了
  244. 要么~,要么~
  245. 要~没~
  246. 要是~就~
  247. 要是~就好了
  248. 要说~
  249. 要想~,得~才行
  250. 要~有~
  251. A也A不~
  252. A也不/没A就~
  253. ~也不是,~也不是
  254. ~也得~,不~也得~
  255. ~也好,~也好
  256. 也就~
  257. 也就是~
  258. 一~半~
  259. 一边~,一边~
  260. 一~不~
  261. 一不~,二不~
  262. 一旦~
  263. 一点儿也/都~
  264. 一~(,)二~
  265. 一方面~,一方面~
  266. 一个~,一个~
  267. 一会儿~,一会儿~
  268. 一~就~
  269. 一来~,二来~
  270. 一~也/都~
  271. 一~一~
  272. 一~再~
  273. ~,以便~
  274. ~,以免~
  275. 以~为~
  276. 以为~,原来/没想到~
  277. ~,以致~
  278. ~,以至于~
  279. 因为~的关系
  280. 应~的邀请
  281. 由于~的缘故
  282. 由~组成
  283. 有~呢
  284. 有什么~的
  285. 有时~,有时~
  286. 有~无~
  287. 有~有~
  288. 有~,有~,还有~
  289. 又~了不是
  290. 又是~,又是~
  291. 与其~,不如~
  292. 与其说~,不如说~
  293. ~,于是~
  294. 与~有关
  295. 越(是)~,越(是)~
  296. 在~看来
  297. ~,再说~
  298. 再~也~
  299. 再也不/没~
  300. 再~也没有了
  301. 早不~,晚不~,偏~
  302. 早就~了
  303. 怎么~,怎么~
  304. 怎么能~(呢)
  305. 怎么~也/都不~
  306. 照~不误
  307. ~着呢
  308. ~着玩儿的
  309. ~着~着
  310. 这就~
  311. 这么~,怪不得~
  312. 这么说,~
  313. 这么一~,~
  314. 这么~,这么~
  315. ~这~那(的)
  316. 这样吧,~
  317. 这/那样一来,~
  318. 这也不~,那也不~
  319. 这有什么
  320. 真是的,~
  321. 正~呢
  322. 正因为~,才~
  323. 之所以~,是因为~
  324. 直到~,才~
  325. 只不过~
  326. 只要~,就~
  327. 只有~,才~
  328. ~,至于~
  329. 重~轻~
  330. 左~右~

Grammar Point References to This Book