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Your practical, free, comprehensive online resource for Chinese pronunciation, tones, and pinyin. 599 pages and growing!

Pronunciation of Mandarin Chinese is not just for Beginners!

Pinyin Chart

If you've just started learning Mandarin Chinese, you're correct to put a lot of effort into learning correct pronunciation. You really need to learn pinyin right away, and we strongly recommend you take the time to familiarize yourself with our pinyin chart. If you want to know what pinyin is, our article on pinyin's background will clear things up.

But even if you're an elementary learner or an intermediate learner, chances are you could still gain a lot from working a bit more on your pronunciation. Below is an example of how pronunciation topics can and should be studied across various levels.

Level Pinyin Tones Other
A1 Pinyin quick start guide The four tones -
A2 Erhua Tone change rules -
B1 Rare syllables Tone pairs Accents
B2 - Tone exceptions -

This is just a small sample, though. Check out the growing list of pronunciation points, divided by level.

About AllSet Learning

AllSet Learning is a Shanghai-based learning consultancy dedicated to helping foreigners better learn Mandarin Chinese. This wiki is maintained by John Pasden and the rest of the team at AllSet Learning. While many of the company's services are only available to clients physically in Shanghai, this wiki is open to the public through a Creative Commons license.

You can also find us on Facebook, on Twitter, and on Google+.

All content on this wiki © AllSet Learning, and may not be reproduced without attributions or used for commercial purposes.