Advanced uses of "bei"

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Using 被 with 给


Receiver + 被 + Doer + 给 + Verb Phrase+了


  • 警察 抓 了。He got caught by the police.
  • 这 个 老外 的 钱包 小偷 偷 了。This foreigner's wallet got stolen by a thief.
  • 他 的 家 大火 烧 了。His home got burned by the fire.
  • 我 的 iPad 老师 拿 走了。My iPad was taken away from me by my teacher.
  • 我们 都 他 的 样子 吓 坏了。We all got so scared by the way he looks.

Using 被 with 所

这种句型非常书面语,是从古代汉语"为…所…"演化来的,"为…所…"更加正式。这种格式里,"被"后面一定要有宾语,动词多是双音节的,而且动词后通常没有其他句子成分。这种句式的作用在于强调the doer。


Receiver + 被 + Doer + 所 + Verb Phrase


  • 我 深深 地 他 的 话 打动 了。I got deeply touched by what he said.
  • 他 深深 地 她 的 美 吸引 了。He got deeply attracted by her beauty.
  • 他 做 的 事情 经常 不 家人 理解。What he does is often not understood by his family.
  • 这 种 政策 是 不 人们 接受 的。This kind of policy is not accepted by the pubic.
  • 这 种 行为 是 不 学校 允许 的。This kind of behavior is not allowed by the school.

Modern usage of 被

In recent years, special uses of 被 have popped up online. These uses occur with verbs which don't normally ever use 被, in order to emphasize a lack of control over the action, often including some kind of foul play or underlying statistical falsification.[1][2]

Examples included

  • 和谐 to be harmonized)
  • 自杀 to be suicided)
  • 就业 to be employed)
  • 代表 to be represented)
  • 潜规则 to be (forced to) follow the potential rules)

Other ways to form the passive

被 is not the only way to form the passive in Mandarin Chinese. The prepositions 让 and 叫 are also used in passive constructions, which are more common. "让、叫"也多用于对主语来说不愉快或者受损害的事情. 用"让、叫"表示被动意义的句式跟"被"字句基本一样, 只是介词"让、叫"后面的宾语一定要出现。如果想增强被动意义,也可以在动词前面加"给"。


Receiver + 让 / 叫 + Doer + Verb Phrase+了


  • 人 打 了。He got beaten by someone.
  • 那 本 书 人 借 走 了。Someone borrowed that book.
  • 那 个 人 骗 了。You got fooled that guy.
  • 老板 炒 鱿鱼 了?You got fired by your boss?
  • 宝宝 刚才 吓 哭 了。The baby got scared by him and he just cried.

See also


Sources and further reading
