Opportune timing with "chen"
Similar to
Used for
趁 (chèn) is a preposition that means to "take advantage of" an opportunity or favorable time to do something. It is normally followed by an adjective or a short phrase explaining the situation that the person is seeking to take advantage of.
趁 + [Situation / Opportunity]……
Note that in English using the literal translation "take advantage of" often isn't natural.
- 趁 打折 ,我 买 了 新 手机。Taking advantage of the discount, I bought a new phone.
- 趁 现在 不 忙,你 快 走 吧。Go now, while no one is busy.
- 趁 这个 机会 ,我们 见 个 面 吧。Let's take this opportunity to meet up.
- 趁 年轻,多 去 玩玩 吧。You guys should go have more fun while you're still young.
- 趁 天气 好,我 要 去 野餐。While the weather is good, I'm going on a picnic.
- 趁 老板 不 在,我们 打 一会儿 游戏 吧。While the boss is out, we can play video games for a little while.
- 趁 我 现在 有 假期 ,我们 可以 去 旅游 。While I have vacation days, we can go traveling.
- 趁 孩子 睡着 的 时候,我 洗 了 很 多 衣服。Since the kids had fallen asleep, I washed a bunch of clothes.
- 妹妹 经常 趁 我 不 在家 的时候 ,玩 我 的 电脑。My little sister often plays with my computer when I am not at home.
- 小偷 一定 是 趁 我 不 注意 的 时候 ,把 我 的 手机 偷走 的 。The thief must have stolen my cell phone when I wasn't paying attention.
Sources and further reading
- Short-term Spoken Chinese: Pre-Intermediate (汉语口语速成提高篇) Anything Goes (无所不谈) →buy
- 现代汉语八百词(增订本) (pp. 116) [ →buy]
- 现代汉语词典(第5版) (pp. 169) 卓越汉语-公司实战篇 →buy