Expressing comparable degree with "you"

Revision as of 03:25, 18 February 2013 by Guomubai (talk | contribs)

有(yǒu) is also used for comparing and usually used in questions. In English, we sometimes can sometimes say "She has her mother's cuteness" or "I have my father's height", though they sound a bit awkward.In Chinese, however, it's pretty common.You can use 有 to express degree in a simple statement, though more often than not it is used in a question. The negative form is Basic_comparisons_with_"meiyou".


The structure is very straightforward.

A 有 B + Adjective + 吗?


  • 我 帅 吗?Is he as handsome as me?
  • 我 可爱 吗?Is she as cute as me?
  • 伦敦 的 人口 上海 多 吗?Is London's population as much as Shanghai's?

See also

Sources and further reading
