Expressing "in addition" with "lingwai"

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另外 (lìng wài) can be used to express "in addition", often with 还 used in the following phrase.

Using 另外 as a Adverb


⋯⋯, 另外,⋯⋯

另外 + [Verb Phrase]


  • 希望 你 不要 再 迟到 了。另外,你 应该 穿 得 正式 一 点。I hope you won't be late again. In addition, you should also dress a little more formally.
  • 我 刚才 说 的 这些 都 很 重要,不过 大家 另外 补充 的 也 很 重要。What I just said is very important, but what everyone added is also very important.
  • 不好意思 先生,这 里 是 VIP 室,要 另外 加钱 才 能 用。I'm sorry sir, this is the VIP section. You will have to pay more in order to use it.
  • 我们 这儿 每天 九点 关门。九点 以后, 你 还 想 学习 的话,要 另外 找 地方。We close at 9pm every day. You need to find another place if you still want to study after that.

Using 另外 as a Pronoun

When used as a pronoun, 另外 can also be used to denote "the other" and there is no need to add 的 after 另外.


另外 + 一 + Measure Word + Noun

另外 + [Plural Noun]


  • 我 有 两 个 手机,一 个 是 Lenovo,另外 一 个 是 iPhone。I have two cell phones. One is Lenovo, and the other is iPhone.
  • 她 有 两 套 房子,一 套 自己 住,另外 一 套 租 给 了 别人。She has two houses. She lives in one and rents out the other one.
  • 我们 可以 早点 去,另外 几 个 人 晚点 到 也 没关系。We can go a little bit earlier. It's Ok that the other few people come a little bit late.
  • 这些 书 太 重 了,我 想 先 带 几 本 最近 需要 的,另外 几 本 下 次 再 拿。These books are too heavy. I want to take a few that I'll be needing recently. I can get the rest of them next time.

See also

Sources and further reading
