Expressing "even if…" with "napa"

Revision as of 08:12, 5 March 2018 by ChenShishuang (talk | contribs)

哪怕 (nǎpà) means "even if," and has a slightly stronger tone than 即使 or 就算. It is therefore often used to disregard hypothetical statements of a more serious nature. It is normally used with . Some forms of the pattern also use .

Basic Pattern

The basic "even if" form should be familiar if you know how to use 即使 or 就算.


哪怕 ⋯⋯ ,也 ⋯⋯


  • 哪怕 你 只 发 十 块 钱 的 红包 ,大家 会 很 开心 的。Even if you only gave ten dollars in a red envelope, everyone would still be happy.
  • 哪怕 你 就 陪 孩子 玩 一 小 会儿 ,她 会 很 开心 的。It would make the child really happy even if you spend only a few minutes with her.
  • 哪怕 他 爸爸 是 总统 ,我 不 要 嫁 给 他!I wouldn't marry him even if his father is the president!
  • 哪怕 你们 会 不 高兴 ,我 要 把 话 说 清楚。I would still say it clearly even if it made you guys unhappy.
  • 哪怕 你 打扮 得 像 电影 明星 一样 ,他 不 会 看 你 一 眼 !Even if you dressed up like a movie star, he still wouldn't pay you the slightest attention!

Advanced Pattern


哪怕 is often followed by 再 (in the first part of the sentence) to give further emphasis to what the speaker is saying won't make a difference. In this usage, it's very similar to "no matter," which can also be expressed by patterns like 不管.

哪怕 + Subj. 1 + 再 ⋯⋯ , Subj. 2 + 也 ⋯⋯

Note: some verbs can also be used with this pattern in place of the adjective.


  • 哪怕 你 说 得 好,我们 不 相信 。Even if you can be exceptionally persuasive, we're not going to believe it.
  • 哪怕 忙 ,我 要 抽 时间 回家 看 父母。Even if I‘m super busy, I will still find some time to visit my parents back home.
  • 哪怕 累 ,她 不 要 父母 帮忙 照顾 孩子 。Even if it's really exhausting, she doesn't want her parents' help with the baby.
  • 哪怕 孩子 淘气 ,父母 不 应该 打 他们 。No matter how disobedient the children are, their parents shouldn't hit them.
  • 哪怕 你 问 多 遍,她 现在 不 会 说 一 个 字 。No matter how many times you ask her, she will not say a single word.

See also

Sources and further reading
