Expressing "almost" using "chadian"
Similar to
Used for
To say that something bad almost happened (but didn't), you can add the word 差点 (chàdiǎn) before the verb. You will also hear 差点儿 (chàdiǎnr) in northern China. There is no difference in meaning between 差点 and 差点儿.
Literal Meaning
It might help to understand the literal meaning of the structure. The word 差 (chà) has a lot of meanings. In this case, it means "to lack," or "to be short." So in Chinese, the way to say "almost" is to say, "lacking that little bit." If that "little bit" hadn't been lacking, it would have happened. But it was lacking, so it didn't happen... it almost happened.
Subject + 差点(儿) + [Verb Phrase] + 了
Note that the "Verb Phrase" part of the structure is usually something bad, and that it didn't happen.
- 我们 队 差点儿 输了。 (the team didn't lose)Our team almost lost.
- 我们 队 差点儿 赢了。 (the team didn't win; this type of usage less common)Our team almost won.
- 看到 妈妈 走 了,她 差点 哭 了 。 (she didn't cry)When she saw mom leave, she almost cried.
- 雨 很 大,我 差点 回 不 来 了 。 (I actually did make it back, though)The rain is so heavy I almost couldn't make it back.
- 路上 堵车,我 差点儿 迟到 了 。 (I wasn't late)The traffic is bad; I was almost late.
- 我 差点儿 犯 了 一 个 大 错 。 (I didn't make a big mistake)I nearly made a big mistake.
- 他 差点儿 看到 我们 了,好 险 ! (he didn't see us)He almost saw us. That was a close one!
Comparison 差点儿 with 差点儿没
When Something you expected not to happen didn't happen,you can use both 差点儿 and 差点儿没 to mean you kind of feel lucky.If what you wish to happen did't happen finally and you feel bad about that,then you use 差点儿 with 就 coming after 差点儿。With 差点没 it means feeling lucky that something you wish to happen finally came true.
Subject + 差点(儿) /差点儿没+ [Verb Phrase] + (了)
- 她 差点儿/差点儿没 摔倒。 (she didn't had a fall)She almost had a fall.
- 汽车 差点儿 就到机场 了,可是突然坏了 。 (the bus didn't arrive )The bus almost arrived at the airport.It suddenly broke down.
- 我儿子差点儿没 考上大学。 (My son passed the exam.)My son almost failed the college entrance examination.
See also
Sources and further reading
- 现代汉语八百词(增订本) (pp. 112) →buy
- 40 Lessons for Basic Chinese Course (基础汉语40课下册) (p. 341)→buy
- 现代汉语词典(第5版) (pp. 145) →buy