Approximating with sequential numbers
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Saying approximate numbers in Chinese is quite simple, and this article introduces one of the most basic ways to do so.
An easy way to express approximate numbers is to use two sequential numbers in a row.
Number + (Number+1)
This is similar to saying "x to y", "x or y" or "about x" in English.
- 三 四 个人Three or four people
- 我 喝 了 七 八 瓶 啤酒 了。I drank 7 or 8 bottles of beer.
- 一 两 天One or two days.
- 这 个 词 我们 学 了 两三 次 了。This word we have studied two or three times.
- 我 等 了 你 一两 个 小时。I waited for you for 1 or two hours.
- 我们 三四 年 没有 见面 了。We haven't seen each other for three or four years.
- 要 做 完 这 个 工作 需要 一两 个 月。To finish this work you need one or two months.
- 他们 家 的 孩子 五六 岁 了 吧。Their kids are five or six years old.
- 这 个 东西 只 需要 七八十 块 钱。This thing only require seven or eight yuan.
- 每 个 人 要 花 两三百。Every person wants to earn two or three hundred.