Expressing "in addition" with "lingwai"

另外 (lìng wài) can be used to express "in addition," often with 还 or 还 used in the following phrase.

Using as a Conjunction


Clause 1 ,另外 ,Clause 2


  • 这个 课文 太 难 了 。另外 ,我也 没 准备 。Zhège kèwén tài nán le.Lìngwài, wǒ yě méi zhǔnbèi.This lesson is too difficult. Besides, I didn't prepare for it.
  • 希望 你 不要 再 迟到 了 。另外,你 应该 穿 得 正式 一 点 。Xīwàng nǐ bùyào zài chídào le. Lìngwài, nǐ yīnggāi chuān de zhèngshì yīdiǎn.I hope you won't be late again. In addition, you should also dress a little more formally for work.
  • 我们 给 所有 的 员工 都 提供 午餐 。另外 ,我们 也 提供 交通 补贴 。Wǒmen gěi suǒyǒu de yuángōng dōu tígōng wǔcān. Lìngwài, wǒmen yě tígōng jiāotōng bǔtiē.We provide lunch for all our staff. In addition, we provide transportation subsidy.
  • 这个 航班 经常 晚点 。另外 ,他们 的 飞机 餐 也 很 难吃 。Zhège hángbān jīngcháng wǎndiǎn. Lìngwài, tāmen de fēijī cān yě hěn nánchī.This flight is always running late. In addition, their meal set is terrible.
  • 我 这 周 真的 没 时间 参加 。另外 ,我 对 这个 活动 也 不 太 感兴趣 。Wǒ zhè zhōu zhēnde méi shíjiān cānjiā. Lìngwài, wǒ duì zhège huódòng yě bù tài gǎnxìngqù.I don't have time to attend it this week. Besides, I'm not very interested in this event.

Used as an Adverb


另外 + [Verb Phrase]


  • 今天 我 没 空 ,能 不 能 另外 安排 时间 ?Jīntiān wǒ méi kōng, néng bu néng lìngwài ānpái shíjiān?I don't have time today. Can you schedule it another time?
  • 这 件 事 我们 另外 找 时间 谈 吧 。Zhè jiàn shì wǒmen lìngwài zhǎo shíjiān tán ba.Let's find some other time to talk about this.
  • 我 建议 你 另外 找 地方 ,这里 租金 太 贵 了 。Wǒ jiànyì nǐ lìngwài zhǎo dìfang, zhège dìfang zūjīn tài guì le.I suggest you find another place. The rent is too expensive here today.
  • 这里 是 VIP 室 ,要 另外 付费 才 能 用 。Zhèlǐ shì VIP shì, yào lìngwài fùfèi cái néng yòng.This is the VIP room. You will have to pay more in order to use it.
  • 如果 学生 觉得 不 难 ,老师 可以 另外 加 一些 学习 内容 。Rúguǒ xuéshēng juéde bù nán, lǎoshī kěyǐ lìngwài jiā yīxiē xuéxí nèiróng.If the students don't find the lesson difficult, the teacher can add more learning materials.

See also

Sources and further reading
