Expressing "never" with "conglai"

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Although it can also work in the positive, 从来 (cónglái) is usually learned when you want to express that you never do something (as a habit, or as a rule), or that you have never done something (it's not a part of your life experience).

Structure with 不

When you follow 从来 with 不, you are expressing that you never do something (as a habit, or as a rule). It's often used as a way to refuse something, as in "I never drink."

Subject + 从 来不 + Verb Phrase


  • 她 对 酒 过敏,所以 从来 不 喝酒。
  • 从来 不 喜欢 一 个 人 在 家。
  • 从来 不 关心 别人,只 关心 自己。

Structure with 没

Use 从来 with 没 or 没有 (and 过 after the verb) to indicate that you have never done something (it's not a part of your life experience). You're talking about the past now, because you're talking about what you haven't done before, so 没有 is appropriate. 过 also makes sense, because you're making a statement about your life experience.

Subject + 从来 没(有) + Verb + 过

Note that you can have an object or other information after the verb, but the 过 needs to come immediately after the verb.


  • 从来 没 要 这样 做。
  • 从来 没有 中国 菜。
  • 他 酒量 很 好,从来 没 喝醉

See also

Sources and further reading