Tag questions with "bu"

Revision as of 08:47, 13 June 2014 by Zach (talk | contribs)

In the same way you can tag questions with 吗 (ma), tag questions can also be formed using 不 (bù). This is done with a positive negative question.


Verb + 不 + Verb

This can then be attached to the end of a sentence to form a tag question. Tag questions seek confirmation or acceptance of what has been said. In English, "right?" and "OK?" are often used as tag questions.


  • 我们 去 咖啡 店, 好 不 好 Let's go to the cafe, OK?
  • 我们 喝 茶, 好 不 好 Let's have tea, OK?
  • 回 家, 好 不 好 We're going home, OK?
  • 他 是 你 的 老板, 对 不 对 He's your boss, right?
  • 我们 是 好 朋友, 对 不 对 We are good friends, right?
  • Apple 用 中文 说 是“苹果”, 对 不 对 "Apple" in Chinese is "Pingguo," right?
  • 你 姓 王, 是 不 是 Your last name is Wang, is it not?
  • 九 点 开 会, 是 不 是 We are going to hold a meeting at 9, right?
  • 你 会 说 中文, 是 不 是 You speak Chinese, right?
  • 你 有 新 女朋友 了, 是 不 是 You have a new girlfriend, right?

See also

Sources and Further Reading