Expressing "must" with "dei"

Learning how to use 得 to mean "must" must be done by those wishing to master Chinese!


Normally when you see 得 it's a particle and is pronounced "de". However, it can also be an auxiliary verb. In this case it's pronounced děi and means "must".

Subject + 得 + Verb + Object


  • 时间 不早了,我 回 家 了。Shíjiān bù zǎole, wǒ děi huí jiā le.It's getting late. I have to go home.
  • 你 病得 太 严重 了,去看医生。Nǐ bìng dé tài yánzhòng le,děi qù kàn yīshēng.You are badly ill. You need to go see a doctor.
  • 朋友们 都 在 等,我们 走了。Péngyǒumen dōu zài děng, wǒmen děi zǒuliǎo.Our friends are waiting, we need to go.
  • 这个 方法 不行,你 换 个 方法。 Zhè gè fāngfǎng bùxíng, nǐděi huàn gè fāngfǎ .This way doesn't work.You need to find another way.
  • 我 没带 钥匙 ,你 回来 帮我 开门。 Wǒ méi dài yàoshi, nǐ děi huí lái bāng wǒ kāi mén.I forgot my keys.You need to come back to help me open the door.

See also

Sources and further reading

