Expressing contrariness with "dao"

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倒 (dào) can be used to express something is contrary to expectations, acting as a turning point in the sentence. It is generally followed by a positive comment.

倒 Used to Express an Unexpected Situation

Note that 倒 is often followed by 也 or 又 to add further emphasis.


……,subj. 倒 + Unexpected Situation


  • 这 家 餐厅 的 汉堡 不 正宗, 也 挺 好 吃。This cafeteria's hamburgers aren't very authentic, but they are very tasty.
  • 他 不 是 很 努力 的学生,但 成绩 也 不错。He's not a vey hardworking student, but his score isn't too bad.
  • 已经 是 春天 了, 又 冷 起来 了。It's already spring, but it's getting cold.
  • 不 吃 药,病 慢慢 好 了。I didn't take any medicine, but I'm getting better.
  • 他 是 个 老外,普通话 说 得 挺 流利。He is a foreigner, but he speaks fluent Chinese.

倒 can be used with 不过, 但是 or 可是 for further emphasis.

倒 Used to Make a Concession and then a Complaint


倒 can also be used to express a concession and is used like this:

倒 + Positive Comment (Concession) + 不过 / 但是/就是 + Negative Comment


  • 说得 挺 流利,就是 有 点 洋腔洋调。You speak very fluently, it's just that you have a little bit of an accent.
  • 丽江 很 漂亮,不过 人 太 多 了!Lijiang is very beautiful, but there are too many people!
  • 这 道 菜 好吃,就是 太 辣 了!This food is delicious, but it's just too spicy!

倒 Used Idiomatically

A useful little phrase to admit concession is 那倒也是, something like "I guess so, I hadn't thought of it like that before." Or if on the contrary you are unwilling to concede, 我倒不觉得 can be used.

  • 银行家 都是 坏蛋!....我 不 觉得。Banks are all evil! I can't believe it!
  • A: “钱 太 重要 了,没有 钱 是 不 行 的!” B: “我 不 觉得 金钱 能 衡量 一切”。 A:Money is the most important, not having money is no good. B:I don't think that money should be considered everything.

For more on , be sure to check our C1 (advanced) grammar point on expressing contrariness with 倒.

See also

Sources and further reading
