Expressing "until" with "dao"


One of the cool features of Chinese is complements, and in this article we introduce a few of them.

One kind of complement in Chinese involves putting 到, 给 or 在 after the verb. These are used to indicate direction, target and location, respectively.

Complements with 到

到 (dào) indicates that the action has obtained a goal or a certain state.


  • 我 昨天晚上 工作 十二 点 半Wǒ zuótiān wǎnshang gōngzuò dào shí'èr diǎn bàn.I worked until 12:30 last night.
  • 我们 一直 等 天黑Wǒmen yīzhí děng dào tiānhēi. We waited until it was getting dark.
  • 他们 想 在 这里 住 春天Tāmen xiǎng zài zhèlǐ zhù dào chūntiān. They want to live here until it's spring.
  • 你们 要 玩 什么 时候Nǐmen yào wán dào shénme shíhou? When will you be done playing?

Complements with 给

给 (gěi) indicates that you have passed something from one person to another.


  • 我 今天 早上 发了 一 封 邮件 Wǒ jīntiān zǎoshang fā le yī fēng yóujiàn gěi .I sent an e-mail to you this morning.

Complements with 在

  • 在 (zài) indicates a person or thing coming to a certain place. It is usually followed by a location or a place.
  • 请 你 坐 我 旁 边儿Qǐng nǐ zuò zài wǒ pángbiān er.Please come and sit next to me.

See also

Sources and further reading
