Using "always" as a complaint with "laoshi"
Similar to
Used for
We have a few ways to say "always" in Chinese, and one of them is to use the word 老是 (lǎoshì). 老是 is usually used in the context of a complaint, like how your sister is "always" hogging the bathroom.
老是 is an adverb, usually translated into English as "always." It expresses that an action or a condition constantly repeats or continues and can be interchanged with the word 总是. However, 老是 also has an unsatisfied or frustrated tone.
老 (是) + Predicate
You can also use 老 instead of 老是. The predicate part of the pattern can be a verb or an adjective.
When 老是 is used together with an adjective, 老是 is usually followed by an adverb such as 不, 很, 非常, 这么, 那 etc.
- 你 怎么 老是 加班 ?Why are you always working late?
- 那个 孩子 老 说 脏 话 。That kid always says bad words.
- 你 怎么 老是 不 高兴 ?How are you always unhappy?
- 你 儿子 上课 的 时候 老是 说话 。Your son talks all the time in the class.
- 这个 老师 老是 这么 严肃 。This teacher is always so serious.
- 别 老是 抱怨 。Stop complaining all the time.
- 这个 机器 老 出 问题 。There is always something wrong with this machine.
- 他 经常 迟到 ,还 老是 找 借口 。He's always late. And he always makes excuses.
- 奶奶 老是 忘 带 钥匙 。My grandma forgets to take her keys all the time.
- 你 老是 这么 凶 干吗 ?Why are you always so mean to me?
- 他 真 讨厌 ,老是 跟 朋友 借钱 。He's such a nuisance. He borrows money from his friend very often.
See also
Sources and further reading
- 现代汉语词典(第5版) (pp. 145) 卓越汉语-公司实战篇 →buy