Advanced uses of "dou"


In its simplest terms, 都 (dōu) means "all," but there are also many other advanced uses for it.

都 meaning "to the point that"

都 can also mean 甚至 (shènzhì), meaning "even to the point that," and in this form it expresses emphasis.

Subj. + 都 + Predicate


  • 能 闻见 面包 的 香味 。dōu néng wénjiàn miànbāo de xiāngwèi.I can even smell the aroma of bread.
  • 他的 记忆力 很 好,去年 发生 的 事情 他 能 说 出来。Tā de jìyìlì hěn hǎo, qùnián fāshēng de shìqíng tā dōu néng shuō chūlái.His memory is amazing. He can even tell you everything that happened last year.
  • 我 对 你 太 了解 了 ,我 能 知道 你 下 一步 要 做 什么 。Wǒ duì nǐ tài liǎojiě le, wǒ dōu néng zhīdào nǐ xià yī bù yào zuò shénme.I know you too well. I can even tell what your next move will be.
  • 你 说的 那些 我 能 想象 得到。Nǐ shuō dì nàxiē wǒ dōu néng xiǎngxiàng de dào.I can imagine all those things that you said.
  • 现在 网络 购物 很 方便,你 需要 在 网上 能 买得到。Xiànzài wǎngluò gòuwù hěn fāngbiàn, nǐ xūyào zài wǎngshàng dōu néng mǎi de dào.It's so convenient to shop online now, you need Internet just to be able to buy things.
  • 我 很 想 妈妈 ,有时候 我 能 看见 她 。Wǒ hěn xiǎng Māmā, yǒu shíhòu wǒ dōu néng kànjiàn tā.I really miss Mom. Sometimes I can even see her.

都 meaning "since..., then..."

This pattern overlaps a little with the 都……了 pattern used to mean "already." It still has some of that "already," flavor, but with some of "since" added in as well.


"Since ..., in that case...“ can also be conveyed with 都 and a repeating verb, similar to "既然⋯⋯就".

Verb + 都 + Verb 了,...


  • 来 了 , 就 先 别 急着 走 了 。Lái dōu láile, jiù xiān bié jízhe zǒu le.I'm here already. No need to be in such a hurry to leave.
  • 去 了 , 就 好好 玩 吧。dōu qù le, jiù hǎo hǎowán ba.Go all the way, just have fun.
  • 说 了 , 就别说这是什么秘密了。Shuō dōu shuō le, jiù bié shuō zhè shì shénme mìmì le.Say what you want to say, just don't spill secrets.

都 can also have have a tone of complaint

都 can also convey a tone of grumbling or complaint, frequently used with 怨 or 怪.

都 + 怨 / 是 / 怪 + Somebody


  • 怪 你,出门 不 带 伞。Dōu guài nǐ, chūmén bù dài sǎn.It's all your fault, leaving without bringing an umbrella.
  • 是 你,害 我 跑 这么 远。Dōu shì nǐ, hài wǒ pǎo zhème yuǎn.It's because of you, making me go all that way.
  • 怨 你,不 提前 订好 座位。Dōu yuàn nǐ, bù tíqián dìng hǎo zuòwèi.I blame you for not making the reservation earlier.

See also

Sources and further reading

