Translation of the English word "then" currently has the following grammatical points associated with it:
- Expressing "then" with "jiu" (A2)
- Expressing "if... then..." with "ruguo... jiu..." (B1)
- Sequencing with "xian" and "zai" (B1)
- Expressing "then…" with "name" (B1)
- Expressing "if… then…" with "jiaru" (B2)
- Expressing "and then" with "yushi" (B2)
- Conditions with "yao" and "jiu" (B2)
- Expressing "only after" with "cai" (B2)
- Expressing "if… then…" with "yaoshi" (B2)
- Expressing a last chance with "zaibu... jiu..." (B2)
- Expressing "if… then…" with "jiashi" (C1)
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