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{{Grammar Box}}
{{Grammar Box}}  
刚 (gāng) and 刚才 (gāngcái) have similar meanings of "[[just]] (now)," but they differ on a few key uses.
== Both are used before Verb but different  meaning ==
== 刚 as "Just Happened" ==
=== emphasize action happened not long ago ===
is actually an [[adverb]], and it is placed in front of the verb. It emphasizes that the action ''just'' happened a short time ago. Unsurprisingly, it is similar to the English "just." 刚刚 and 刚 are interchangeable in this case.
The key here is that "a short time ago" is relative and determined by the speaker. For this reason, 刚 can indicate that something "just" happened 1 second ago, 5 minutes ago, 2 hours ago, 3 weeks ago, or even a year ago. The absolute time is flexible, but from the speaker's perspective, it ''feels'' recent.
=== 刚 Before a Verb ===
One thing that confuses a lot of learners is that when you use 刚 with a verb, ''you normally don't need 了''. Keep that in mind while reading the following examples, and look for the explanation below.
A few examples:
<div class="liju">
<li class="o">他 <em>刚</em> 到 。<span class="expl">This gives the impression that not only did he just get here, but he should still be here.</span><span class="pinyin">Tā <em>gāng</em> dào.</span><span class="trans">He just arrived.</span>
<li class="o">我们 昨天 <em>刚</em> 到 <span class="pinyin">Wǒmen zuótiān <em>gāng</em> dào.</span><span class="trans">We just arrived yesterday.</span>
<li class="o">真 不巧 ,老板 <em>刚</em> 走 。<span class="pinyin">Zhēn bùqiǎo, lǎobǎn <em>gāng</em> zǒu.</span><span class="trans">What bad timing. The boss just left.</span>
==== Strcture ====
<div class="jiegou">
刚 + Verb
==== Examples ====
It would be wrong to use 刚才 instead:
<div class="liju">
<div class="liju">
* 我 <em></em> 说过,不 想 再 说 一 遍。【强调”看“发生在不久前,现在不想再看。】
* 我 <em></em> 看到 他。【强调看到他的时间是不久以前】
* 他 <em></em> 来。【强调他来的时间不久,现在他在这里】
<li class="x">他 <em>刚才</em> 到 。<span class="pinyin">Tā <em>gāngcái</em> dào.</span></li>
<li class="x">我们 昨天 <em>刚才</em> 到 。<span class="expl">刚才 should be used for events a lot closer in time than 昨天.</span><span class="pinyin">Wǒmen zuótiān <em>gāngcái</em> dào.</span></li>
<li class="x">真 不巧 ,老板 <em>刚才</em> 走 。<span class="pinyin">Zhēn bùqiǎo, lǎobǎn <em>gāngcái</em> zǒu.</span></li>
=== 刚才 emphasize what people did just now ===
And if you mean to say "when I first arrived in Shanghai," use 刚 instead of 刚才:
<div class="liju">
*我 <em>刚</em> 到 上海 的 时候 ,谁 都 不 认识 。<span class="pinyin">Wǒ <em>gāng</em> dào Shànghǎi de shíhou, shéi dōu bù rènshi.</span><span class="trans">I didn't know anyone when I had just arrived in Shanghai.</span>
=== 刚 or 刚刚 Before an Adjective ===
刚, as an adverb, can also be placed in front of an adjective, while 刚才 can't be used this way. 刚 can also be used interchangeably with 刚刚.
A few examples:
<div class="liju">
*他 的 感冒 <em>刚刚</em> 好 。<span class="pinyin">Tā de gǎnmào <em>gānggāng</em> hǎo.</span><span class="trans">He just recovered from his cold.</span>
*天 <em>刚</em> 晴 。<span class="pinyin">Tiān <em>gāng</em> qíng.</span><span class="trans">The sky just became clear.</span>
*牛肉 <em>刚</em> 熟 。 <span class="pinyin">Niúròu <em>gāng</em> shú.</span><span class="trans">The beef just got cooked.</span>
== 刚才 as "Just Now" ==
刚才 is a [[time noun]] (like 今天 and 现在), and it expresses that the time elapsed is really short, in near-absolute terms.  We're talking no more than 1-30 minutes in most situations, and often less than 5 minutes. When used before a verb, 刚才 emphasizes something happened "''just now''."
A few examples:
<div class="liju">
*他 <em>刚才</em> 哭 <strong>了</strong> 。<span class="expl">He was crying a moment ago but he stopped.</span><span class="pinyin">Tā <em>gāngcái</em> kū <strong>le</strong>.</span><span class="trans">He was crying just now.</span>
*我 <em>刚才</em> 看到 他 <strong>了</strong> 。<span class="expl">Sounds like he's not here anymore; I just saw him, but don't see him now.</span><span class="pinyin">Wǒ <em>gāngcái</em> kàndào tā <strong>le</strong>.</span><span class="trans">I just now saw him.</span>
*现在 我 感觉 比 <em>刚才</em> 好 一点 <strong>了</strong> <span class="pinyin">Xiànzài wǒ gǎnjué bǐ <em>gāngcái</em> hǎo yīdiǎn <strong>le</strong>.</span><span class="trans">I feel a little better now than just before.</span>
==== Strcture ====
<div class="jiegou">
刚才 + Verb
==== Examples ====
刚才, as a time noun, can directly modify a noun to indicate it is that one from "just now" or "just before," while 刚 can't be used this way.
<div class="liju">
<div class="liju">
* 我 <em>刚才</em> 看 过 了,不 想 再 说 一 遍。【强调"看过了",不想再看】
* 我 <em>刚才</em> 看到 他 了。【强调在不久前"看到"他了。】
* 他 <em>刚才</em> 来 了。【意思是他"来了",但是现在】
<li class="x"><em>刚</em> <strong>的 事情</strong> 太 让 人 生气 了 。<span class="pinyin"><em>Gāng</em> <strong>de shìqing</strong> tài ràng rén shēngqì le.</span><span class="trans">What just happened is really upsetting.</span></li>
<li class="o"><em>刚才</em> <strong>的 事情</strong> 太 让 人 生气 了 。<span class="pinyin"><em>Gāngcái</em> <strong>de shìqing</strong> tài ràng rén shēngqì le.</span><span class="trans">What just happened is really upsetting.</span></li>
== 刚才 can be used as Attribute while 刚 can not==
== 刚 and 刚才 with 了 ==
=== Strcture ===
You may have noticed that something interesting is going on with regards to [[了]] in the sentences with 刚 and 刚才. Namely, 了 is not usually required in sentences with 刚, but it is usually required in sentences with 刚才. This is because 刚才 refers to a time in the ''recent past'', and you're usually indicated that something ''happened just now'' (started and finished).
<div class="jiegou">
Take these sentences for example:
刚才 + 的 + Noun
<div class="liju">
*我 昨天 看 了 。<span class="pinyin">Wǒ zuótiān kàn le.</span><span class="trans">I looked at it yesterday.</span>
*我 <em>刚才</em> 看 了 。<span class="pinyin">Wǒ gāngcái kàn le.</span><span class="trans">I looked at it just now.</span>
=== Examples ===
So these are both simple "subject + verb" sentences. Notice that when they refer to the ''past'' (including the one with 刚才), the action is completed and you need 了. You don't need 了 for things that haven't happened yet (they're just plans, and nothing is completed). And remember that 刚才 ''always refers to the past.''
OK, now what about 刚? ''Why does it not need 了?'' The key is that you don't need a 了 in a sentence with 刚 if the verb ''already indicates a clear result''. So, to use the 看 example from above:
<div class="liju">
<div class="liju">
<li class="o"><em>刚才</em> 的 事情 太 让 人 生气 了。</li>
<li class="o">我 <em>刚</em> <strong>看到</strong> 。<span class="expl">Adding a 到 to 看 gives the verb a meaning of the result of "looking at."</span><span class="pinyin">Wǒ <em>gāng</em> <strong>kàndào</strong>.</span><span class="trans">I just saw it.</span></li>
<li class="o">我 觉得 现在 比 <em>刚才</em> 亮。</li>
<li class="x">我 <em>刚</em> 看到 <strong>了</strong> 。<span class="expl">了 is not needed here as 看到 includes the result of "looking at."</span><span class="pinyin">Wǒ <em>gāng</em> kàndào <strong>le</strong>.</span><span class="trans">I just saw it.</span></li>
<li class="x"><em></em> 的 事情 太 让 人 生气 了。</li>
<li class="o">我 <em>刚才</em> 看到 <strong>了</strong> 。<span class="expl">了 is needed with 刚才 because it feels so recent and unresolved.</span><span class="pinyin"><em>gāngcái</em> kàndào <strong>le</strong>.</span><span class="trans">I saw it just now.</span></li>
== 刚 can be used as "Just"  while 刚才 can not==
A few more examples:
<div class="liju">
=== Strcture ===
<li class="o">我 <em>刚</em> <strong>到</strong> 。<span class="expl">The verb 到 includes a clear result.</span><span class="pinyin">Wǒ <em>gāng</em> <strong>dào</strong>.</span><span class="trans">I just arrived.</span></li>
<li class="o">你 <em>刚</em> <strong>知道</strong> 吗 ?<span class="expl">The verb 知道 always includes the result of "knowing."</span><span class="pinyin">Nǐ <em>gāng</em>
<strong>zhīdào</strong> ma?</span><span class="trans">You just found out?</span></li>
<li class="o">宝宝 <em>刚</em> <strong>醒</strong> 。<span class="pinyin">Bǎobao <em>gāng</em> <strong>xǐng</strong>.</span><span class="expl">The verb 醒 includes a clear enough indication of result.</span><span class="trans">The baby just woke up.</span></li>
<div class="jiegou">
刚才 + Adjective
=== Examples ===
== 刚 and 刚才 with 没 ==
There's also something going on with [[没]] in sentences with 刚 and 刚才. The deal here is that you can say something ''didn't happen '''just now''''' (刚才), but you can't say that something '''''just''' didn't happen'' (刚). [Saying that something "just didn't happen" only works in English if you interpret "just" to mean "simply."]
The takeaway? Just don't use 刚 in sentences where you use 没 to negate the past.
<div class="liju">
<div class="liju">
*天 <em>刚</em> 晴。
*一 个 面包 <em>刚</em> 够 吃,多 一 个 更 好。
<li class="x">我 <em>刚</em> <strong>没</strong> 看到 。<span class="pinyin">Wǒ <em>gāng</em> <strong>méi</strong> kàndào.</span><span class="expl">Don't use 刚 with 没 in the past.</span><span class="trans">I just didn't see it.</span></li>
<li class="x">我 <em>刚</em> <strong>没</strong> 听懂 。<span class="pinyin">Wǒ <em>gāng</em> <strong>méi</strong> tīngdǒng.</span><span class="trans">I didn't understand just now.</span></li>
== Right or Wrong ==
Use 没 with 刚才 (and no 了) to negate the past.
<div class="liju">
<div class="liju">
<li class="x">我 <em>刚才</em> 回家。</li>
<li class="o">我 <em>刚才</em> <strong>没</strong> 看到 。<span class="pinyin"><em>gāngcái</em> <strong>méi</strong> kàndào.</span><span class="trans">I didn't see it just now.</span></li>
<li class="o"><em></em> 回家。</li>
<li class="o">我 <em>刚才</em> <strong>没</strong> 听懂 。<span class="pinyin"><em>gāngcái</em> <strong>méi</strong> tīngdǒng.</span><span class="trans">I didn't understand just now.</span></li>
<li class="x">我 <em>刚才</em> 没 想好 吃 什么,现在 我 想好 了。</li>
<li class="o"><em></em> 没 想好 吃 什么,现在 我 想好 了。</li>
== Example Dialog ==
== Dialog ==
<div class="liju">
<ul class="dialog">
<li><span class="speaker">A:</span> 你 <em>刚才</em> 去 哪儿 了 ?<span class="pinyin">Nǐ <em>gāngcái</em> qù nǎr le?</span><span class="trans">Where did you go just now?</span></li>
<li><span class="speaker">B:</span> 我 去 上 厕所 了 。<em>刚</em> 回来 。<span class="pinyin">Wǒ qù shàng cèsuǒ le. <em>Gāng</em> huílái.</span><span class="trans">I went to the bathroom. I just got back.</span></li>
<div class="liju">
* A: 你 <em>刚才</em> 去 哪儿 了?
* B: 我  <em>刚</em> 上 完 厕所。
* A: 那 你 不知道 <em>刚才</em> 的事情 吧?
* B: 是 不 是 有人 吵架 了?
== See also ==
== See also ==
*[["Just now" with "gangcai"]]
*[["Just" with "gang"]]
== Sources and further reading ==
== Sources and further reading ==
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=== Books ===
=== Books ===
*[[现代汉语八百词(增订本)]] (刚 p.216) [http://www.amazon.cn/%E7%8E%B0%E4%BB%A3%E6%B1%89%E8%AF%AD%E5%85%AB%E7%99%BE%E8%AF%8D/dp/B001198GSW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1345693275&sr=8-1 →buy]
{{Source|HSK Standard Course 3|50}}
*[[现代汉语八百词(增订本)]] (刚才 p.217) [http://www.amazon.cn/%E7%8E%B0%E4%BB%A3%E6%B1%89%E8%AF%AD%E5%85%AB%E7%99%BE%E8%AF%8D/dp/B001198GSW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1345693275&sr=8-1 →buy]
*[[对外汉语教学语法释疑201例]] (p.28) [http://www.amazon.cn/%E7%8E%B0%E4%BB%A3%E6%B1%89%E8%AF%AD%E5%85%AB%E7%99%BE%E8%AF%8D/dp/B001198GSW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1345693275&sr=8-1 →buy]
{{Source|Integrated Chinese: Level 1, Part 2 (3rd ed)|40- 2}}
=== Dictionaries ===
=== Dictionaries ===
* [[现代汉语词典(第5版)]] (p.446) [http://www.amazon.cn/%E7%8E%B0%E4%BB%A3%E6%B1%89%E8%AF%AD%E8%AF%8D%E5%85%B8/dp/B001B1RZCI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1345693609&sr=8-1 →buy]
{{Source|HSK Standard Course 4上|6}}
[[Category:grammar comparison]]
[[Category:grammar comparison]]
{{Basic Grammar|刚|A2|刚 vs 刚才|你 <em>刚才</em> 去 哪儿 了?我  <em>刚</em> 上 完 厕所。|grammar point|ASGJFFWG}}
{{Basic Grammar|刚|B1|刚 vs. 刚才|你 <em>刚才</em> 去 哪儿 了?我  <em>刚</em> 回来 。|grammar point|ASGJFFWG}}
{{Rel char|刚才}}
{{Rel char|刚才}}
{{Similar|"Just now" with "gangcai"}}
{{Similar|"Just" with "gang"}}
{{Used for|Describing actions}}
{{Used for|Describing actions}}
{{Used for|Expressing time and date}}
{{Used for|Expressing time and date}}
{{Translation|just now}}

Latest revision as of 00:21, 14 April 2023

刚 (gāng) and 刚才 (gāngcái) have similar meanings of "just (now)," but they differ on a few key uses.

刚 as "Just Happened"

刚 is actually an adverb, and it is placed in front of the verb. It emphasizes that the action just happened a short time ago. Unsurprisingly, it is similar to the English "just." 刚刚 and 刚 are interchangeable in this case.

The key here is that "a short time ago" is relative and determined by the speaker. For this reason, 刚 can indicate that something "just" happened 1 second ago, 5 minutes ago, 2 hours ago, 3 weeks ago, or even a year ago. The absolute time is flexible, but from the speaker's perspective, it feels recent.

刚 Before a Verb

One thing that confuses a lot of learners is that when you use 刚 with a verb, you normally don't need 了. Keep that in mind while reading the following examples, and look for the explanation below.

A few examples:

  • 到 。This gives the impression that not only did he just get here, but he should still be here.gāng dào.He just arrived.
  • 我们 昨天 到 。Wǒmen zuótiān gāng dào.We just arrived yesterday.
  • 真 不巧 ,老板 走 。Zhēn bùqiǎo, lǎobǎn gāng zǒu.What bad timing. The boss just left.

It would be wrong to use 刚才 instead:

  • 刚才 到 。gāngcái dào.
  • 我们 昨天 刚才 到 。刚才 should be used for events a lot closer in time than 昨天.Wǒmen zuótiān gāngcái dào.
  • 真 不巧 ,老板 刚才 走 。Zhēn bùqiǎo, lǎobǎn gāngcái zǒu.

And if you mean to say "when I first arrived in Shanghai," use 刚 instead of 刚才:

  • 到 上海 的 时候 ,谁 都 不 认识 。gāng dào Shànghǎi de shíhou, shéi dōu bù rènshi.I didn't know anyone when I had just arrived in Shanghai.

刚 or 刚刚 Before an Adjective

刚, as an adverb, can also be placed in front of an adjective, while 刚才 can't be used this way. 刚 can also be used interchangeably with 刚刚.

A few examples:

  • 他 的 感冒 刚刚 好 。Tā de gǎnmào gānggāng hǎo.He just recovered from his cold.
  • 晴 。Tiān gāng qíng.The sky just became clear.
  • 牛肉 熟 。 Niúròu gāng shú.The beef just got cooked.

刚才 as "Just Now"

刚才 is a time noun (like 今天 and 现在), and it expresses that the time elapsed is really short, in near-absolute terms. We're talking no more than 1-30 minutes in most situations, and often less than 5 minutes. When used before a verb, 刚才 emphasizes something happened "just now."

A few examples:

  • 刚才He was crying a moment ago but he stopped.gāngcáile.He was crying just now.
  • 刚才 看到 他 Sounds like he's not here anymore; I just saw him, but don't see him now.gāngcái kàndào tā le.I just now saw him.
  • 现在 我 感觉 比 刚才 好 一点 Xiànzài wǒ gǎnjué bǐ gāngcái hǎo yīdiǎn le.I feel a little better now than just before.

刚才, as a time noun, can directly modify a noun to indicate it is that one from "just now" or "just before," while 刚 can't be used this way.

  • 的 事情 太 让 人 生气 了 。Gāng de shìqing tài ràng rén shēngqì le.What just happened is really upsetting.
  • 刚才 的 事情 太 让 人 生气 了 。Gāngcái de shìqing tài ràng rén shēngqì le.What just happened is really upsetting.

刚 and 刚才 with 了

You may have noticed that something interesting is going on with regards to in the sentences with 刚 and 刚才. Namely, 了 is not usually required in sentences with 刚, but it is usually required in sentences with 刚才. This is because 刚才 refers to a time in the recent past, and you're usually indicated that something happened just now (started and finished).

Take these sentences for example:

  • 我 昨天 看 了 。Wǒ zuótiān kàn le.I looked at it yesterday.
  • 刚才 看 了 。Wǒ gāngcái kàn le.I looked at it just now.

So these are both simple "subject + verb" sentences. Notice that when they refer to the past (including the one with 刚才), the action is completed and you need 了. You don't need 了 for things that haven't happened yet (they're just plans, and nothing is completed). And remember that 刚才 always refers to the past.

OK, now what about 刚? Why does it not need 了? The key is that you don't need a 了 in a sentence with 刚 if the verb already indicates a clear result. So, to use the 看 example from above:

  • 看到Adding a 到 to 看 gives the verb a meaning of the result of "looking at."gāng kàndào.I just saw it.
  • 看到 了 is not needed here as 看到 includes the result of "looking at."gāng kàndào le.I just saw it.
  • 刚才 看到 了 is needed with 刚才 because it feels so recent and unresolved.gāngcái kàndào le.I saw it just now.

A few more examples:

  • The verb 到 includes a clear result.gāng dào.I just arrived.
  • 知道 吗 ?The verb 知道 always includes the result of "knowing."gāng zhīdào ma?You just found out?
  • 宝宝 Bǎobao gāng xǐng.The verb 醒 includes a clear enough indication of result.The baby just woke up.

刚 and 刚才 with 没

There's also something going on with in sentences with 刚 and 刚才. The deal here is that you can say something didn't happen just now (刚才), but you can't say that something just didn't happen (刚). [Saying that something "just didn't happen" only works in English if you interpret "just" to mean "simply."]

The takeaway? Just don't use 刚 in sentences where you use 没 to negate the past.

  • 看到 。gāng méi kàndào.Don't use 刚 with 没 in the past.I just didn't see it.
  • 听懂 。gāng méi tīngdǒng.I didn't understand just now.

Use 没 with 刚才 (and no 了) to negate the past.

  • 刚才 看到 。gāngcái méi kàndào.I didn't see it just now.
  • 刚才 听懂 。gāngcái méi tīngdǒng.I didn't understand just now.

Example Dialog

  • A:刚才 去 哪儿 了 ?gāngcái qù nǎr le?Where did you go just now?
  • B: 我 去 上 厕所 了 。 回来 。Wǒ qù shàng cèsuǒ le. Gāng huílái.I went to the bathroom. I just got back.

See also

Sources and further reading

