Indicating a number in excess

A number in excess of a certain amount is expressed by adding "多" (duō) to the end of a number. This is usually translated as "more than..." in English.


Number + 多 + Measure word + (noun)


  • 他 的 妈妈 已经 五十 岁 了。Tā de māmā yǐjīng wǔshí duō suì le.His mother is already more than fifty years old.
  • 这个 包 三千 块钱?Zhè ge bāo sānqiān duō kuài qián?This bag is more than three thousand kuai?
  • 我 的 毕业 论文 已经 写 了 两百 页 了!Wǒ de bìyè lùnwén yǐjīng xiě le liǎng bǎi duō yè le!My graduate dissertation is already more than two hundred pages!
  • 中国 有 五千 年 的 历史!Zhōngguó yǒu wǔqiān duō nián de lìshǐ!China has more than five thousand years of history!

In the above examples, 年 does not take a measure word.

When the number is smaller than eleven,the 多 can be put after the measure word while the number is bigger than eleven, the 多 has to be put before the measure word:

  • 五岁
  • 五十岁
  • 五十
  • 九十块钱
  • 九十 块 钱

See also
