Comparing "bu" and "mei"

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都是否定副词,都可以用在动词前面,但是使用时间不一样。 Both 不(bù) and 没 (méi) can be placed in front of a verb or adverb to negate its meaning. 不 and 没 are some times interchangeable. However, there are times when you must use 不 as opposed to 没 and vice versa.

不: general use

“不”一般是表达不想做的事情。 不 is generally used to express an action that you do not want to do.


Subject + 不 + V.


  • 我 今天 晚上 吃 饭。
  • 去 公园。
  • 明天 我 在 家。
  • 上周 我 和 我 的 朋友 在 一起。

不 is used to negate habitual actions

不 can be used to negate habitual actions. This is simply done by placing 不 in front of the verb.

  • 吃 肉。
  • 看 电视。
  • 喝 酒。
  • 喝 酒。

Please note that, while it is grammatically correct 没 in a situation like this, 没 does not negate any habitual actions. The 没 sentence used above translates into "I didn't drink alcohol" as opposed to "I don't drink alcohol".

不 is used to ask questions

There a couple ways to use 不 to ask questions. One such way is through positive negative questions. This is done by stating a verb and then repeating that verb in a negative state (with 不)

  • 是不是 我 的 老师。
  • 喜不喜欢 吃 中国菜。
  • 这 瓶 啤酒 是没是 我 的。
  • 今天 你 来没来 课。

不 can also be used to form tag questions. Tag questions use the positive negative question form, but are placed at the end of the sentence. Tag questions are used to seek approval or acceptance for a statement, very similar to the English "ok?" or "right?".

  • 我们 去 吃饭,好不好
  • 你 是 我的 同学,对不对
  • 我们 喝 水,好没好
  • 你 得 上 课,对没对

See the grammar page for Positive negative questions here:

See the grammar page for Tag questions here:

不: other uses

不 is a very common word in the Chinese language and an integral part of many grammar points. See those grammar points here:

没: general use

“没”用于描述过去,说明动作没有发生。很多时候和“有”一起用,意思和用法不变。 没 is used to describe actions in the past or illustrate that an action hasn’t happened yet.


Subject + 没(有)+ V.


  • 昨天 晚上 我 吃 饭。
  • 没有 去 公园。
  • 明天 我 在 家。
  • 上周 我 和 我 的 朋友 在 一起。

See the grammar page here:

没 is used to negate 有

没 can be used to negate the verb 有 to mean "do not have". You can only use 没 to convey this meaning. It is grammatically incorrect to use 不.

  • 没有 钱。
  • 不有 钱。

See the grammar page here:

There are times when you can leave out 有 entirely while still expressing 没有. The best example of this is 没办法.

  • 办法。
  • 没有 办法。

Both of these statements have the same meaning, but the use of 没 is slightly different.

See the grammar page here:

没 is used to make comparisons

没有 can be used to make simple comparisons.

  • 我 的 钱 没有 他 的 钱 多。
  • 你 的 钱 不有 他 的 钱 多。
  • 没有 我 高兴。
  • 不有 我 高兴。

See the grammar page here:

没 is used to negate past actions

没有 can be used to negate actions that occurred in the past.

  • 没有 来 课。
  • 没有 打 电话 给 我。

没有 is only used for past actions. Present actions are with negated with 不

See the grammar page here:

Difference between 不 and 没


You can use 没 to modify 有 to mean "do not have". You can only use 没 to convey this meaning. It is grammatically incorrect to use 不

  • 没有 钱。
  • 不有 钱。

See also

Sources and further reading
